Example sentences of "can [adv] [verb] [adv] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Please remember that you can only appeal once a year .
2 For example , many people have four weeks ' holiday a year , but not many people can take that four weeks all in one go , there are usually restrictions that you can only take maybe a maximum of two weeks .
3 They can not hold up a stream of people to talk to an unfamiliar face .
4 And you , Bruno , can not remain here a moment longer .
5 But resemblance can not explain how a thinker could experience one object as standing for another ; for how could the fact that a particular datum is similar to other things mean anything to a thinker unless he experienced it as being like many others — that is , unless he grasped it , not just as a particular but as an instance of a kind ?
6 He must sit upright at a table to eat his meals : he can not eat off a tray sitting in bed or an easy chair .
7 Different views of a sculpture can be presented , but you can not move round a sculpture except with a film camera .
8 I can not conceive how a breach of this kind can be remedied .
9 It can not rule out a difference in the pharmacokinetics of insulins from different species .
10 In this sense of the word , a body can not have both a power and a duty in respect of the same action .
11 A VHS machine can not play back a Betamax cassette .
12 The issue is even more complicated in the world of sound recording , because we can not pick up a record and listen to it in the same way that we can pick up a book and read it .
13 You can turn down a fire hose to water a garden , but you can not turn up a garden hose sufficiently to tackle a fire .
14 er and other commitments that twelve men in a in a village such as erm Pentiford or Pentiford will give twenty four hours cover for fires , all through the year and there are very rarely incidents where you can not turn out a crew .
15 ‘ I want to know what is behind this first , ’ he snapped , ‘ because for the life of me I can not understand why a man in his position should want to take up with the likes of you .
16 Some people even refuse to use this part of the E-6000 programming at all , saying that it is no good to them , because they can not understand how a column of figures can relate to a knitted garment .
17 And for regular savings we can easily set up a standing order .
18 A major advantage of deck shoes is their price — you can easily pick up a pair for a fiver .
19 Mind you , I still think that now on the way back from a long hill-walk when I can just make out a dot that is the car .
20 you can just go down a bit like that .
21 But Oxford match secretary Steve Pipkin , who is pegging the length , reckons the team who can best sort out a method for the small fish will win on the day .
22 The surgery is the only one in Northern Ireland with a revolutionary new ruby laser which can permanently blast away a tattoo with no risk of scarring .
23 A. You can still make out a Deed of Covenant , and send the money directly to Save the Children by Postal Order .
24 Erm if your diagram 's pretty reasonable and you measure the wrong thing , you can still get quite a lot of the marks .
25 And David Evans , all white and stammering , do n't you tell me my father 's a bloody animal I 've got to kick out of the way , and G.P. saying I 've never hurt an animal in my life , you can always make out a case for hurting human beings , but human animals deserve every sympathy .
26 As usual , though , the route has been carefully planned by the organisers , who can always predict how a race is likely to develop and are not inclined to let anyone have an easy ride .
27 ‘ Afternoon duty is quite pleasant : I can usually get quite a lot of reading done in the library because there 's little activity on the gallery after three o'clock .
28 I can usually pick up a ball with one hand , but as I was laying over the ball , I had to use both hands to pick it up , and already a Cardiff forward was rushing down on me .
29 If you are going to the school yourself , you can probably collect quite a lot of this general information by chatting with the teacher and pupils and noting down details of the surroundings .
30 You can also make up a book of spells and write spells on a piece of paper , or even a menu for witches ' stew .
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