Example sentences of "what has be [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Under these conditions AER regeneration does not occur , and in contrast to what has been observed in the chick , there is no obvious effect of AER removal on limb outgrowth ( Figs 1 a , b and 2 a ) .
2 A characteristic of automatic performance is an apparent loss of memory for what has been done during the previous few moments .
3 The distinction has to be considered at least to some extent because only by identifying what has been done in the past can one see how deficiencies remain to be corrected in the future research agenda .
4 ‘ And what has been done in the matter ? ’
5 summarise it , and an awful lot of what has been done by the subjects
6 This represents a fitting illustration of what has been achieved under the fine example and leadership of Graham Gooch .
7 The last section of the book is devoted to a description of what has been achieved with the telescope and is dedicated to John Bolton , who has been largely responsible for the dish 's successful operation .
8 In fact although sometimes the rate of progress or the pace of technology seems sort of frustratingly slow if you look at what has actually changed , what has been achieved over the last five years , it 's quite incredible .
9 Over the next year or so , my constituents will see tremendous improvements , on top of what has been achieved during the last 12 to 18 months in terms of the quality and quantity of health care that they will receive from the Basildon and Thurrock NHS trust .
10 When my right hon. Friend next has a free Saturday , will he fly up to Manchester , look at what has been achieved by the airport , and then pop over to Old Trafford to watch a first-class football side in action ?
11 It is proposed to hold two sessions designed to allow the research community to reflect critically on what has been achieved by the BES in the past and what innovations in research design and theoretical focus should be introduced in the future .
12 He asked : ‘ What has been achieved by the death of a four-year-old boy in Warrington last Saturday and another 12-year-old who has died today ?
13 Precise details of what has been achieved by the liaison remain a closely guarded secret but it has involved developing new methods of using medicinal drugs in the body and has already led to a contract with a major pharmaceutical company .
14 Evaluation such as that carried out in Example F is likely to misrepresent what has been achieved in the teaching unless it takes into account pupils ' initial performances and the relative difficulty of what they are learning .
15 For the majority of the population , ‘ mathematics ’ is synonymous with what has been selected from the vast field of mathematics for inclusion in the exam syllabus .
16 Desirable as these descriptions may be , they are not indispensable , for in the light of what has been noted above the assessments themselves are self-explanatory .
17 The attempt to line up our thinking with what has been perceived as the most powerful of the current orthodoxies has certainly brought about a number of structural changes to the PGCE course the most important of which to affect the modern language group has undoubtedly been the decision to replace the single teaching practice in the spring term by two teaching practices , the first in the autumn and the second in the summer term .
18 What is so disheartening about what has been discovered in the Stasi files , however , is that people informed even when under no pressure to do so .
19 MAINTENANCE — Part ( a ) reinforces what has been said under the general heading wear and tear .
20 The recordings are available for you if you wish or will be available for you if you wish to er improve your memory on what has been said during the discussion periods .
21 None of these hypotheses would seem to contradict what has been said about the management styles and organizational forms identified as likely to be appropriate in each quadrant of the uncertainty map .
22 From what has been said about the variation of the measure with area and exposure the form of the three-dimensional map of the relationship can be predicted .
23 Distinguishing Rex v. Clarke , 22 Cr.App.R. 58 and Reg. v. Hall , 43 Cr.App.R. 29 , Shelley J.A. , delivering the judgment of the court , observed that the defence is entitled to see such a statement , not by virtue of any general rule of law , but by virtue of the prosecution 's duty to inform the defence of statements in their possession made by a witness whose evidence at the trial differs substantially from what has been said in the statements .
24 If the Opposition could facilitate a change in the law — it would be widely welcomed , as is clear from what has been said in the debate tonight — I am sure that my right hon. and hon. Friends would be willing to do what they could to assist .
25 At this point the community adviser suggests narrowing the scope of the post but Chris Cousins , the Deputy Head Community , takes the opportunity to challenge what has been said by the other deputy when he remarks :
26 What has been lost on the health boards is a basic insight into how people live and what they think , ’ says Jim Devine , Scottish area officer for the health union Cohse .
27 On the one hand , there is the ecclesiastical hierarchy , steeped in what has been written in the past , versed in all the latest aspects of biblical scholarship .
28 Putting into practice what has been taught in the classroom , Fiona strides in .
29 In this article I shall look at what has been proposed by the GMC , whether this can or should be implemented , what the interested parties think about the recommendations , and whether there are any other ways of ensuring that newly qualified doctors are not put off their careers completely before they have properly begun .
30 IN JUST over four months time thousands of primary school children throughout Northern Ireland will sit what has been billed as the new 11-plus .
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