Example sentences of "what is [verb] on [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 In the West End there seems at the moment a tendency to rely too much on the goodwill of actors which is often accompanied by a failure to maintain a true interest in what is going on for the actor .
2 I say this largely because of what is going on with the black blues artists , like Albert King , BB King , Albert Collins .
3 KEYS : ‘ But it is not just a question of what is going on on the park , it 's what 's happening elsewhere that we 're beginning to hear and read about and that 's never been the case at Liverpool previously , ever .
4 Thus , for example , in order to understand what is going on at the local outside-level on Lewis , it is necessary to examine the structure of the oil industry as a whole .
5 I do not believe in using the deep trance state in any form of therapy as it involves hypnoamnesia , a state in which the patient will neither be aware of what is going on at the time nor able to recall it afterwards .
6 Yet conflict may be handled more effectively if what is going on within is taken into account as well as what is going on at the surface .
7 1 What is going on at the beginning of the poem ? 2 What do you think has happened before the poem begins ? 3 Do you think the boys are afraid ?
8 My interpretation of what is going on at the present day is being saved for the next chapter , but some of the most startling results come from the latest ( and most accurately dated ) deposits .
9 So what is going on at the moment that is affecting the management and organisation of our electronic records in local government ?
10 Marketing is the one function of management which has to be more concerned with what is going on outside the organization than with what is happening internally .
11 It is not good enough , therefore , to operate monetary policy merely by reference to what is going on outside the window on a particular day .
12 In broad terms , the shifts of emphasis have been related to two central themes : first , that notions of reading comprehension must take greater account of what is going on in the mind of the reader , and second , that methods of text analysis must take greater account of what is going on beyond the sentence boundary .
13 Most mathematicians understand what is going on inside the heads of most of their colleagues .
14 These all assume that the manager knows what is going on inside the mind of the employee .
15 It is my belief that anorexic speech ( or , more literally , behaviour ) consists of two quite separate and often contradictory texts , and that it is only by studying them both , in order to fit them together and so come up with an amended text , that we can understand what is going on inside the anorexic herself .
16 However , in the case of particles emitted from a black hole , the fact that one can not observe what is going on inside the black hole means that one can definitely predict neither the positions nor the velocities of the emitted particles .
17 What is controversial about functionalism is its claim that we are going to be able to make significant generalizations about behaviour only if we think about what is going on in the brain at a particular level of description .
18 In the context of these questions , what is it in the brief history of White Western feminist criticism and theory that seems at odds with what is going on in the rest of the world ?
19 Nature , produced by Robin Hellier , has a lot of pace as did Horizon 's The Geneva event ( BBC2 , 24 January ) What the latter did not have was much patience with the aspirant but relatively unlearned student of what is going on in the world of high energy physics The main Geneva event — the identification of the W subatomic particle which , with the Z , will enable the theory that the four fundamental forces of nature can be unified within a single framework to be sustained — has yet to be announced , though it is believed imminent Horizon had been patiently filming for four years .
20 So what is going on in the world of higher education today ?
21 WHAT is going on in the car industry ?
22 As participants , we often do not understand what is going on in the interchange , so caught up are we with our own agendas .
23 What is going on in the Royal Family ?
24 Because of poor distance vision , children may miss much of what is going on in the classroom and seem ‘ out of step ’ with the rest of the class .
25 If the adventurers want to see what is going on in the Black Pit , all they have to do is rap twice in rapid succession with the rod upon the rail .
26 Skills analysis is an attempt to get at what is going on in the operator 's mind .
27 The job of perceptual systems is to take these fluctuating patterns of activity occurring at the receptors and interpret them in terms of what is going on in the outside world .
28 We often take a long time to hear of what is going on in the outside world and when we do find out , it can take even longer to get into the field .
29 Customers , or suppliers , or competitors , or even what is going on in the outside world , seem of far less importance than the endless struggle to achieve and operate the perfect bureaucracy .
30 If , as you claim , medical sociology , and your ethnographic methods , can really open up this realm of process and tell us what is going on in the ‘ black box ’ then you 've got to be more entrepreneurial .
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