Example sentences of "what you would [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 All it covers is the basic treatment in line with the minimum requirement in the country where you are staying — and that can be very different from what you would expect from the NHS .
2 So if for any one of those parameters , let's just say B right , let's just say that 's the true distribution of the parameter B what you 'll you estimate O L S and you 'll get alright , you 'll get biased estimates , this is what you would get from the computer , alright so we 'd be biased cos the , the true value is over here but not only that , is that , instead of having a nice peak distribution , distribution would be quite flat , alright we 'd we would n't have the minimum variants property alright .
3 ‘ I sometimes wonder what you 'd do without the stupid machine .
4 Well , is n't that what you 'd expect from the company with the longest pedigree in pet healthcare ?
5 And finally tonight Moseley rugby club have come up with a very different approach to pre-season training , I have to tell you it is not what you 'd expect from the lads from the Readings .
6 Typical what you 'd expect from the Prime Minister .
7 ‘ It 's what you 'd find in the back of any van out in the country , as you said . ’
8 I do n't think that 's kind of less what you 'd find in the Sun because of twenty million college goes up in flames .
9 I think the problem is that if you 're not careful this will leave the counterproductive erm , somebody said well I do n't mind paying two fifty or three quid so what you 'd gain on the seats you 'd lose on the side .
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