Example sentences of "what they have [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 I 'd also like to thank his parents for what they have contributed over the years to make him the person he is , supporting him through college , and also for making me such a welcome member of their family .
2 ‘ They are asking people to treat what they have done as a success .
3 They 're asked to make two still images showing what the townspeople might be feeling at this moment — first , about their success in getting the railway to the town , and secondly , about what they have done to the old man , who is now homeless .
4 Schools are indeed to be congratulated in what they have done in the face of what you pr prepared for them .
5 In drama a number of people agree to abstract from what they know of the ‘ hiding ’ function and to combine that knowledge with what they have understood about a particular ‘ hiding ’ context , say , King Charles and his followers hiding from the Roundheads ( hiders are therefore labelled Cavaliers , and the seekers Roundheads ) and to behave ‘ as if ’ only that function mattered .
6 No claim to absolute authority is made by any encoder , nor ever should be ; the TEI scheme merely allows encoders to ‘ come clean ’ about what they have perceived in a text , to whatever degree of detail seems appropriate .
7 Explain that no one is to see what they have written on the paper and then ask them to pin it on the back of the next guest to arrive .
8 Initially we 're using the activity as a way of visualising spatial relationships and of giving the children a concrete representation of what they have achieved in the drama .
9 Spoken dialogue being omitted , synopses are provided which make it absolutely impossible to tell where the musical numbers occur and what they have to do with the plot .
10 They give little thought to , what they have to do in a day and how long each task may take .
11 But many junior doctors are unhappy about what they have seen of the new deal so far .
12 The people of Northern Ireland naturally and rightly reason that if what they have suffered at the hands of the southern-spawned IRA , they have suffered while a majority , how much greater would that persecution not be if they ever entered a state in which they were a perpetual minority .
13 Unlike the damaged narcissists , with their compensations of spurious glory or morbidly melodramatized misery , the new pop workers want attention not for themselves , not for their make-believe world , but for what they have to say about the outside world .
14 In section 2.6 we pick up these theories again and examine what they have to say about the shifts currently under way in British manufacturing and its geography .
15 After finishing cocktails and going into that gorgeous , lofty , airy dining-room , and especially getting a window table as we were lucky enough to , you have had the best of what they have to offer at the Ritz , considerable as this is .
16 Trained staff will then apply what they have learned at a chosen test site , which will be on an island to minimise uncontrollable external intrusions .
17 Shadows will be asked to write a short report of what they have learned at the end of the exercise .
18 The use of modern technology at the Bootle headquarters has surprised both men , whose aim is to apply what they have learned to the banking system in Ukraine .
19 Instructors should distribute Handout 21 and ask trainees to write a protocol for a possible intervention using what they have learned in the preceding parts — particularly the ten steps in Part 3 .
20 This can often result in very presentable end-products but , when questioned , the children may have little or no idea of what they have learned in the process .
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