Example sentences of "what he [verb] was a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He was in a field , and picked out what he thought was a wood , to which he headed and placed his unwanted gear in a ditch , covering it with tufts or grass .
2 He narrowly missed what he thought was a lamp post but turned out to be a tree , and reached for where the handle was usually to be found on a front door .
3 Farmer Colin French received injuriesd to hisbface and hands when he opned what he thought was a video package this morning .
4 A BURGLAR broke his ankles when he leapt out of what he thought was a first-floor window at Bristol — and fell four storeys .
5 A BURGLAR broke his ankles when he leapt out of what he thought was a first-floor window at Bristol — and fell four storeys .
6 Endill did not hear anything at first but after a minute or two heard what he thought was a cough in the distance .
7 Erm we had one morning , one of our sergeants saw what he thought was a break-in .
8 He later told her he began to feel unwell at about 8 and at 10 doubled over with what he thought was a stitch .
9 Her Great-Uncle Isaac , who lived at Low Birk Hatt , used to keep geese and one night just as the light had faded my dad shot what he thought was a duck flying off Hury Reservoir .
10 But what he meant was a mystery to Marian .
11 What he meant was a balance .
12 What he produced was a volume for which he really should have kept his title The Conduct of the Kitchen — a title borrowed incidentally from Meredith — because that was just what the book of menus was about : the logical and orderly conduct of a kitchen as related to daily life and seen not through the medium of a few isolated menus for special occasions , but as part of the natural order of everyday living .
13 What he saw was a man of about sixty years , older than he had expected , but still hale , and of a powerful frame .
14 What he wanted was a position within the Empire — according to the historian Orosius , he wished to support Rome with barbarian arms .
15 Three days later the matron had to take care of Clive Fairbrother , who lost half of one of his front teeth in what he claimed was a game of dormitory rugby after lights-out with Murray .
16 What he needed was a bit of luck on the roll .
17 What he needed was a lever .
18 And what he found was a woman who understood him a great deal better than his wife ever did . ’
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