Example sentences of "will not [adv] [verb] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The seller does not have to agree to this and if he does , that will not normally affect the operation of section 20 .
2 A report will not normally give the name or other identifying details of the complainant or of any person involved in the matter .
3 If a company heading a small group chooses not to take advantage of the exemption from preparing group accounts , its group accounts will not normally contain the auditors ' report required by s 248(3) .
4 Quantum mechanically , however , Heisenberg will not normally allow the electrons to have a well-determined position ( it will usually have to be uncertain ) .
5 Suppose manufacturer A has for some years produced a razor which will not normally cut the user unless it is slid sideways across the skin .
6 Suppose that in May 1991 manufacturer B markets a razor which is equally efficient but which will not normally cut the user , even when slid sideways .
7 We will not normally discuss the technology out of which the architectures that we describe are to be implemented .
8 Similarly , a child who has language problems because of hearing loss caused by a temporary blockage ( otitis media ) may have her hearing corrected by surgical intervention , but this will not automatically remedy the child 's problems with language ; this will require additional treatment to create the possibility of appropriate learning ( Downs and Blager 1982 ; Quick and Mandell 1983 ; Godowski et al .
9 Awareness and understanding can help but , unless both genuinely have the other 's interests as well as their own at heart , it will not automatically improve the marriage .
10 Targetted regional aid will not just help the companies it will bring training oppertunities for tradesmen and managers alike .
11 That will not just include the admission of new partners and the nature of the partnership business ( which in the case of solicitors can not really changeand see ss24(7) and ( 8 ) above ) but will extend to matters of policysetting up new departments to take on types of work not previously accepted or closing departments which have proved unprofitable , opening and closing branch offices , expelling partners , changes to the name of the firm , raising additional capital from the partners themselves or by way of loan , and other matters which one way or another can significantly affect the liabilities of each partner .
12 at the end of the first year will be laughed at , because the value will then be much less — in some cases it will not even cover the commission of the salesman who organised the sale .
13 But where this is successful , they will link their fortunes to capitalism , and will not even see the state as an oppressive part of the class struggle .
14 The Minister has now said that he will not even publish the report .
15 ‘ But they will not even discuss the possibility .
16 If you do not like the texture of the bones , put the fish in a food mixer ; you will not even know the bones have been left in .
17 As running shoe repair specialist Barry Hazard eagerly points out , resoling will not discernably alter the shoe .
18 However , in practice it appears that the court has a discretion to allow the case to continue as if begun under Ord. 53 provided this will not unfairly deprive the respondent of some protection which would have been enjoyed if the case had been begun under Ord. 53 .
19 In front of adults pupils will not openly admit the fact , but when asked by fellow pupils ( eg myself ) they do actually like attending school .
20 Jack , the boss at the Brighton branch , will not simply manage the supermarket but take entrepreneurial initiatives to advise customers of new product lines .
21 To that general principle , however , there would seem to be a number of exceptions where the court will not simply accept the verdict of the solicitors as expressed in their own agreement .
22 In short , structural changes alone will not adequately raise the level of cooperative activity .
23 Overall , a larger blocking factor will not markedly change the balance of choice between skip-sequential processing of sequentially and indexed sequentially organized files .
24 If a particular form of notice is prescribed , failure to serve notice in the prescribed form will not generally invalidate the notice ( Dean and Chapter of Chichester Cathedral v Lennards Ltd ( 1977 ) 35 P & CR 309 ) ; although where the timetable is tight and the landlord 's notice is required to state a rental figure it may be of the essence that the notice should do so ( Commission for New Towns v R Levy & Co [ 1990 ] 2 EGLR 121 ) .
25 Removal of the Pulsair system will not significantly affect the performance or improve the mpg , so is best left alone .
26 The organizers are often faced with the dilemma of whether they should adopt an all-out militant campaign with the risk that in the end all will be lost and nothing gained in spite of the expenditure of a great deal of energy , time and sometimes money ; or come to some agreement with the authorities whereby something can be gained , even though it falls far short of the full objectives of the group and will not significantly affect the position of , and relationships between , vested interests .
27 If you eat some contaminated food , you will not necessarily feel the ill-effects immediately .
28 For many decades , a deposit of £150 was required and even the £500 now suggested will not necessarily deter the strip club owner or pop star who is otherwise lacking in publicity and for whom the outlay of such a sum may well be worthwhile .
29 The integration of Johnson Brothers will not necessarily mean the closure of the offices at Hanley .
30 ‘ I 'm expecting him to report and , with five matches in the next four weeks , any player who is not fit for the first game will not necessarily miss the rest of them , ’ said Taylor .
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