Example sentences of "will be [verb] into the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 getting increasingly frustrated on the subject of other things , pelican crossings and that I 've been concerned to hear since I 've I 've been requested this question and er it was briefly reported in the Cambridge evening news last night that they they 've had almost continuous telephone calls today complaining erm which shows the public as I thought of my own experience er are very concerned about this and would like to erm first of all bring it to the council 's attention and do regard as serious and ask the chair if there is a proper investigation will be made into the way the council handles this subject .
2 And that will be chucked into the building society so that I can , when I get my Marks and Spencers debt come through , I can pay a great wodge off .
3 Three adults who have been prepared by this group will be received into the Church at the Easter Vigil .
4 Within this option , type a Caveat such as ‘ For LIFESPAN Acceptance Trial ’ — this will be printed into the approval record .
5 The film will be projected into the screen volume by a frequency-swept UV source .
6 These additional products will be integrated into the Contract Portfolio of products in the near future , further increasing the scope of what is already a large choice .
7 The next step in this programme will be to move into the Management NVQ and Language NVQ fields .
8 Around £37m will be ploughed into the area over the next five years .
9 Again , the appropriate mortgage deed will be sewn into the back of the certificate .
10 The computer fault log will be moved into the Library office .
11 And a museum now located in the town will be moved into the castle .
12 For the first time , an element of competition will be injected into the provision of health care through the NHS .
13 More than 3,000 tonnes of anchor chain will be piled into the seabed to keep the ship in position during even the most severe gales encountered in the North Sea .
14 In his discussion of the metaphor ‘ man is a wolf ’ , Black describes the work of metaphor in discursive terms : ‘ Any human traits that can without undue strain be talked about in ‘ wolf-language ’ will be rendered prominent , and any that can not will be pushed into the background' ( 41 ) .
15 These other changes ( in levels of funding , the growing role of the Training Agency , and the enterprise culture as it affects higher education , for example ) will be incorporated into the discussion .
16 ( b ) Drafting for acceptance In many cases where standard terms are used , they will be incorporated into the contract without ever being considered by either party ; they may be " accepted " , in law , by the client 's trading partner without the partner ever reading them , let alone considering and consciously agreeing to them .
17 3 Draft Notes for use which will be incorporated into the documentation for the Program .
18 Although input will now obviously be curtailed by the absence of the crews in London and the students on vacation , any good ideas arising will be incorporated into the plan for presentation to the Annual General Meeting in November .
19 However , in the absence of a further aggregate demand shock , the realization in period t+ 1 that the money stock is now higher than previously will be incorporated into the information set 1 , which is used to predict .
20 From 11.50 , it will be plunged into the election itself .
21 The aims and potential objectives of the teaching unit will be built into the teaching material , the computer program being a part of this material , and their successful realization by a wide range of teachers will depend crucially on the driving system of the program and the image of the unit that it presents to the user .
22 As reported , they are the first machines from Apple to include the long-promised signal processor — Apple is using AT&T Co 's AT&T 32-bit 3210 , which will be built into the system 's motherboard and will drive such tasks as real-time data processing , speech recognition , audio compression , high-speed data communications , three-dimensional rendering , video image processing and 16-bit stereo sound .
23 These have all been noted and will be built into the planning for future Amicus editions .
24 The proposed change will be written into the Local Government Housing Bill .
25 Self , needs a good deal more work but eventually elements will be migrated into the Sun operating system .
26 The geographical distribution of a wide range of grammatical features will be descibed ; and insights will be obtained into the question of whether dialects are becoming more uniform throughout the British Isles .
27 In fact , incineration can make sense if the energy generated is used to heat homes ; less power will be needed from power stations , which means that less carbon dioxide will be released into the atmosphere .
28 When the school librarian or the teacher uses the microcomputer , information ( e.g. a list of books , a syllabus outline ) will be keyed into the microcomputer via the keyboard , which is the same as an ordinary typewriter .
29 Curates ' day to remember THE Rev Alexander Christopher Buckley , assistant curate of Porthmadog , and the Rev Meurig Llwyd Williams , assistant curate of Holyhead , will be ordained into the priesthood at Bangor Cathedral on Saturday , July 3 .
30 They refused to give exact details of which chairmen will be going into the Treasury and when .
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