Example sentences of "will be [verb] [adv prt] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 This is family planning and will be followed through with special reference to one of the world 's largest national programmes — that of India .
2 The mail shots will be followed up by personal visits from the BNP 's Darlington candidate Donald Clarke .
3 SCOTVEC has introduced separate GSVQs in catering : these will be made up of existing SCOTVEC modules .
4 If this file is fully inverted , the resultant file will contain as many records as there are unique descriptor values — say V. The inverted file will be made up of variable-length records .
5 The regional council says the Scottish Office is cutting £17 million from its £88 million capital allowance for each of the next two financial years under the mistaken belief that the money will be made up by European funding .
6 By contrast , occasional reference will be made back to other East Asian examples .
7 The second issue — the risk that some good payers will be lumped in with bad payers , and treated like them , simply because they share some background characteristics with them — is discussed in chapter 5 , under ‘ Credit scoring ’ .
8 Those who delight in complexities and wish to pursue the matter further will find a number of adequate textbooks and sources of information which will be pointed out with fiendish delight by any qualified librarian , since he has had to run the whole gamut in preparing for his examinations .
9 They need not be subjected to obtrusive or distressing questions that may have no relevance to their illness , and no one will be singled out for discriminatory treatment .
10 The principal methods of investigation will be survey and semi-stuctured interview , culminating in the selection of 24 firms for in-depth study , three of which will be singled out for longitudinal analysis .
11 Protestors say war refugees will be locked up with illegal immigrants under the control of Group Four security .
12 Saints will be fired up under new boss John McClelland , who has taken over from the sacked Alex Totten .
13 If the ‘ Sid ’ allocation is oversubscribed 2.25 times , further shares will be scooped back from domestic institutions .
14 Most of the heart valves collected will be transplanted in to local patients , many of them children .
15 The pits that have been ‘ saved ’ will be shored up with public subsidy to enable them to compete internationally until some of them are ready for privatisation .
16 It has been rumoured that the Great Central 4–4–0 No 506 butler Henderson will be turned out in black livery at some time before its final planned outings during the Spring Gala at the end of February 1992 .
17 Treasurers will be told that they will have to submit their accounts ( and all supporting documents ) to Head Office at the end of each financial year and these will be audited along with Head Office accounts .
18 Although some extra money has been allocated to help with the Government programme , the economists say that , generally , the intention appears to be that the initiatives to meet targets will be funded out of existing resources .
19 Further details will be sent out in due course but please lodge your interest early to help them plan the event .
20 Invitations will be sent out in good time but pensioners with any queries should contact Charles Muir at Regent 's House ( ) .
21 A series of studies , due to be completed in June , will decide which operations will be spun off as Independent Business Centres — to be up and running by January 1 1994 .
22 A series of studies , due to be completed in June will decide which operations will be spun off as Independent Business Centres — to be up and running by January 1 1994 .
23 Will the Minister assure the House that empty houses will be handed over to local councils or housing associations for rent either to redundant service men or to others ?
24 Pacific Bell says that where applications cross its service area boundaries , transmissions will be handed off to long distance carriers of the customers ' choice .
25 The team of four will be heading out with just packs and skis .
26 New heating systems will be installed along with double glazing and a major brickwork programme .
27 From today , the way we care for others who are less able will be taken over by local councils .
28 Since a number of factors determine whether a form of expression will be taken up into popular speech , and somewhat different factors will operate within and outside the black community , not all Creole forms used by black speakers will achieve wider currency , though some will .
29 The £470 million announced yesterday will be taken up in large part by programmes that have already been announced , such as the employment action programme , by money for job clubs and by funds for departmental redundancy payment schemes .
30 The remainder of the 78 per cent will be taken up by other allied investors .
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