Example sentences of "will be [verb] [prep] [adv] the " in BNC.

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1 Courses will be selected by both the employer and the individual and will be accredited as part of our new 14–19 system .
2 It also assumes that debentures or debenture stock will be transferred in much the same way as shares .
3 Total capital expenditure , £852m in the 12 months to February , will be maintained at almost the same level in the current period .
4 While its powers will be limited by both the president and the lower house , the fact that it is to be freely elected will give it hard-to ignore moral authority .
5 The Proof itself will be conducted in exactly the same way as an ordinary action .
6 There are other petitions appertaining to a motion they will be referred to when the motion is taken .
7 For example , the word ‘ here ’ will be said in much the same way in the following :
8 The monitoring will be applied at either the commencement of the case or at the point where it becomes defended , and will require notice of the defendant 's intention to defend .
9 The new vocational qualifications in Scotland will be based on exactly the same lead body standards as the English NVQs .
10 The meanings of these expressions was considered in the previous chapter , and it may be expected that they will be interpreted in essentially the same way in this context .
11 The on-costs on labour such as employers ' national insurance contributions , CITB levy , holidays with pay scheme and other more indirect on-costs such as allowances for severance pay and legislation affecting employment , sick pay , allowance for employer 's liability and third party insurance , will be processed through both the cost and financial accounts .
12 Mr Wood commented : ‘ After many months of being in one of the lower positions it is gratifying to see the improved collection which , I hope , will be continued in both the old and new taxes . ’
13 Your regular support will be valued by both the Committee and your fellow members .
14 The approval of the Spanish Government will be required for both the Architectural Project and the final acceptance of the refurbishment .
15 The unique descriptive name by which the media unit will be known to both the Offline Manager and Offline Operator .
16 The Law Commission said ( Report No 69 , p175 ) " In [ this ] case the terms of the contract will not be decisive — regard will be had to all the circumstances " .
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