Example sentences of "would have [been] [adv] in [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Although the first half had been surprisingly passionless , it was Liverpool who were easily the better side , and had Ronnie Rosenthal seized three opportunities , they would have been comfortably in front by half time .
2 IF some of the jurors had suffered from rheumatoid arthritis , as I have done for 33 years , the verdict would have been emphatically in favour of Dr Cox .
3 Half a century ago it would have been so in fact .
4 It was gentle , with none of the strident accent which would have been more in keeping with the circumstances .
5 It would have been more in keeping with his mood if yesterday 's rain had persisted .
6 If it had been pouring with rain the walk would have been cancelled , and that would have been more in keeping with Lucy 's mood , which was one of deep depression .
7 The row over Digital Equipment Corp 's decision to end manufacturing in Galway and try to find a new tenant to take over the manufacturing plant — which DEC owns , will not die down , and now the European Commission is to investigate Irish allegations that the UK government lured DEC into keeping its Ayr plant open at the expense of Galway : Commerce & Technology Minister Seamus Brennan , in Brussels for a meeting of European Community industry ministers , said Dublin had asked Competition Commissioner Karel van Miert to probe media reports that DEC had been offered inducements to keep the Ayr plant open — but no-one seems to have said just what these alleged inducements are ; the UK government on Friday denied the allegations , saying any assistance it might or might not have given would have been fully in accordance with Community rules , and invited Community auditors to ‘ come and look at the books any time ’ .
8 If Erika Payers had failed to get to the church ( registry office , actually ) on time , it would have been entirely in keeping with her costume .
9 ‘ Oh , ’ said McAllister furiously , remembering something which she did not like to remember , ‘ you mean it would have been perfectly in order for him to attack me if he 'd known me ? ’
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