Example sentences of "would have [verb] [noun] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The result was that his serious physical illness was assumed to be a form of ‘ school phobia ’ and his parents were threatened with a court order if he did not return to school Access to the file , including the head 's letter , would have enabled correction of the factual errors at least and perhaps an accurate diagnosis of his illness to be made .
2 We er we would have played Tottenham on the night of the Q P R game .
3 Yet Boswell and other Johnsonians report that , long before the pension , Johnson wondered aloud if holding up his right hand would have secured victory for the Stuarts at Culloden to Prince Charles 's army , he was not sure he would have held it up ; so little confidence had he in the right claimed by the house of Stuart , and so fearful was he of the consequences of another revolution on the throne of Great Britain' .
4 No , recorded Hilary , had I married him , he would have become President of the United States .
5 In fact , 50 per cent of those 30 managers would have lent money to the business on the proposals which were presented , but the other 50 per cent of bank managers were not prepared to do so .
6 In Price v.Jenkins(1877)5Ch.D. 619 , C.A. ( followed in Johnsey Estates Ltd. v. Lewis & Manley ( Engineering ) Ltd. ( 1987 ) 54 P. & C.R. 296 , it was held that a settlement of leasehold property was a conveyance for valuable consideration because the donee would have to undertake payment of the rent and performance of the covenants .
7 However , the party did not follow this line ; otherwise they would have opposed independence for the more advanced Poland , Finland , the Baltic States and the Ukraine , and supported it only for the more backward minorities .
8 Voters narrowly rejected this scheme , which would have devolved responsibility to the communal level of authority , and cut down on the amount of incineration .
9 And let me tell you , if you were to have come into our servants ' hall on any of those evenings , you would not have heard mere gossip ; more likely , you would have witnessed debates over the great affairs preoccupying our employers upstairs , or else over matters of import reported in the newspapers ; and of course , as fellow professionals from all walks of life are wont to do when gathered together , we could be found discussing every aspect of our vocation .
10 Had the referendum on devolution resulted in a sufficient majority voting in favour of devolution for Wales , then the Welsh Assembly would have come into being and would have assumed responsibility for the administration of all Welsh education outside the university .
11 Had Ras Makonnen lived he would have assumed control of the country when Menelik was incapacitated , and as his cousin would undoubtedly have succeeded him .
12 He would have joined Melissa on the great bed , pressing her down against the coverlet and ravishing her long white neck with passionate kisses .
13 Once , the thought of an Inter-City meal would have struck fear into the hearts of any Continental traveller with experience of British Rail .
14 Where you have settled the case prior to trial , it is possible that you may have a report that you would have disclosed and which would have formed part of the proceedings at trial had the case gone ahead .
15 At that time hardly anyone but Winters would have named Williams in the same breath as Eliot , and it is characteristic of Winters 's perversity ( or his independence ) that thirty years later , when it had become usual to set Williams up against Eliot , Winters 's opinion of Williams had long been much less favourable .
16 I wondered whether I would have to teach Joe from the beginning , so I asked , ‘ How do you write Gargery , Joe ? ’
17 A Baker would have imposed order on the question of whether or not the administration is flirting with a value-added tax .
18 The opposition New Progressive Party ( PNP ) claimed that victory for the government would have strained relations with the USA and have led to the possible loss of student scholarships and federal food aid .
19 The local Italian paper Il Piccolo was full of praise for Mussolini , pointing out that Italy would have lost Trieste to the Slavs if Mussolini had not reconquered it in La Rivoluzione Fascista .
20 Granting such an appeal he felt would have endangered respect for the law .
21 Like the head of legal services in a giant company , the advertising agency 's in-house solicitor could also be Company Secretary and , as such , would have to take charge of the company 's stock , keep records , make sure the annual accounts are ready on time , set the agenda for board meetings and take the minutes .
22 Any full study of ‘ unfair competition ’ would have to take account of the legislation protecting intangible business property like trade marks and patents , and of the statutory controls over restrictive trading agreements and monopolies , which have little or nothing to do with anything resembling the law of tort .
23 Only in the later decades of the century was there a growing realization that to understand life one would have to take account of the complex interactions between all the living things occupying a particular territory .
24 The right hon. Gentleman has said that in reaching his decision he would have to take account of the quality of the representations .
25 The CNAA would have to take account of the different rates of institutions ' development , but a move in this direction would enable committees and boards to have ‘ more time at their disposal to explore new developments and policy ’ .
26 The rules mean that police would have to take control of the computer as soon as possible after the offence and establish that it was working properly at all times .
27 An improved version of the Certificate of Pre-vocational Education ( CPVE ) was on the stocks but a manager 's negotiation about it would have to take place with the City and Guilds of London Institute ( CGLI ) .
28 Committed would have to take place without the DUP or Sinn Fein , representing 29pc of the electorate .
29 Because of overcrowding in the South ward , any major new development would have to take place in the other two wards .
30 ‘ Otherwise we would have given way to the big guy with the muscle to push and not to Joe Public .
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