Example sentences of "would [be] [vb pp] [to-vb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 In cases of " innocent publication " , where the defendant has not intended to criticise the plaintiff ( either because the defendant did not realise that the words would be understood to refer to the plaintiff or the defendant is unaware of special circumstances which make them defamatory ) liability may be avoided by making an " offer of amends " under s4 of the 1952 Defamation Act .
2 Next a management strategy would be developed to deal with the accidents not covered by , or remedied in , the first stage .
3 Thus the responsibility for unemployment would be seen to lie with the unemployed , who would then be seen to be personally responsible for their own unemployment , poverty , etc .
4 Hindley warned Heathcliff that he must never speak to Catherine again , or he would be sent away from Wuthering Heights , and it was decided that Catherine would be taught to behave like a young lady .
5 Chamberlain provided the way out by suggesting to Balcarres that both he and Long should withdraw and so allow Law to be elected unanimously ; he also turned down Balcarres 's remarkable advice that he should allow Long to be elected since Long would make such a mess of things that Chamberlain would be bound to succeed within the year .
6 If the exclusion is for a fixed period which would bring the aggregate exclusion in any term to more than five days or would involve the pupil missing a public examination , the governors or LEA may order the reinstatement of the pupil and the head teacher would be bound to comply with the direction .
7 The Court would be bound to look at the matter from the latter point of view .
8 It was the point at which her mother usually said , ‘ You are only fourteen , ’ — an undeniable truth which Molly decided to save for the endless discussions on the subject which would be bound to occur in the weeks to come .
9 Someone would be made to die for the crime ; but for all his reservations , Merymose did not strike him as the kind of man who would fall on just anyone in order to present a solution .
10 This initially meant that the bed-wetter would be made to sleep in the guard-room , where during the night he would be wakened hourly for toilet purposes .
11 On the one hand , a half-promise to save a new-born country , and to show that one lot of people may not dispossess another lot merely by virtue of being better armed ; on the other hand , a growing realisation that this could not be achieved without a fight in which an unknown number of young Europeans and Americans would be asked to die in the name of misty-sounding things like compassion and principle .
12 Since Keith was a Board members of the committee , another Board member would be asked to sit on the committee .
13 The South African Law Commission would be asked to report on the protection of the rights of citizens , " as well as all collective units , associations , minorities and nations " , in a future constitution , by examining a variety of constitutional models ; this investigation would be used in support of negotiations on a new constitution [ see below ; see also p. 36915 for recommendations of Law Commission working paper of March 1989 ] .
14 It may also be that the agent would be asked to advise on the cost , and , as with civil legislation , costs in parliamentary matters can in appropriate cases be taxed under the House of Commons Costs Taxation Act , 1847 , and the 1849 Act on similar lines for the House of Lords , the only difference in Scotland being that taxation is done by the Auditor of the Court of Session .
15 The basic offence would cover amateur hackers who access systems for fun and would be intended to act as a general deterrent to all types of hacking .
16 He said the operation would be timed to coincide with the maximum tide speed through the southern entrance , the only channel deep enough for the whales .
17 Sir David said the private sector would be invited to participate in the project , and that the first of two runways should be open in early 1997 .
18 On July 9 the International Olympic Committee ( IOC ) meeting in Lausanne announced that South Africa would be invited to participate in the Barcelona Olympics in July 1992 .
19 When the cigarette was finished the driver would be invited to wait in the shade of Bonefish 's casuarinas , but not before .
20 A prospective borrower would approach a number of investment banks , one of which would be invited to act as the lead manager of an issue .
21 According to Danielle de St Jorre , Minister for Planning and External Affairs , after modifications to the Constitution political parties would be invited to register from the beginning of January 1992 ; party-based elections for a constituent commission were expected to be held in July .
22 In late November Mr Clarke outlined three options that Parliament would be invited to consider in a free vote : total deregulation ( as in Scotland ) ; deregulation for small shops and partial deregulation for larger shops ( as proposed by the Shopping Hours Reform Council ) ; and exemption from the general prohibition on trading for certain classes of shop — recreation , emergencies , social gatherings and travel ( proposed by the Keep Sunday Special Campaign ) .
23 In Venda , following a special session of the homeland assembly on March 13 , it was announced that a similar referendum would be held on reintegration , and also that the Constitution would be revised to allow for a multiparty system .
24 On Feb. 12 the Communist Party daily Granma announced that the Ministry of Agriculture was to lose 25,500 posts , and the Ministry of Construction 50,000 , as part of the government 's rationalization of central administration ; 15,000 of those affected in the Ministry of Agriculture would be relocated , and half of those affected in the Ministry of Construction would be sent to work in the fields .
25 Then the throat would be cut to drain off the blood to make into black puddings — I was n't too good with the blood either , but it was tasty afterwards .
26 Under the scheme , Teesside youngsters who find themselves homeless in London would be helped to re-settle in the NorthEast .
27 Almost a year ago he told an environmental conference in Glasgow that land equal to half the area of Glasgow would be needed to dispose of the region 's sludge .
28 1 What area of paper would be needed to stick on the outside of this box to cover it completely ?
29 On July 31 Aquino had announced that former First Lady Imelda Marcos and her children would be permitted to return to the Philippines in order to stand trial on outstanding corruption charges , but that the corpse of the former President would remain banned .
30 The mini virus would then be genetically engineered altering the control gene so it and would be triggered to work as a defence mechanism if the body became HIV infected .
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