Example sentences of "would [vb infin] [adv prt] the [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 John Houghton , director of the Meteorological Office and chair of the IPCC 's Working Group I , said that Thatcher 's programme , if repeated worldwide , would not stop the rise in temperatures , but would slow down the rate of increase .
2 Of course , a full acceptance of the point of view would rule out the continuation of thoughts and feelings when the brain stops functioning .
3 When Major stood outside Downing Street and promised ‘ a nation at ease with itself ’ , he was seen as a leader who would scoop up the votes of ‘ do n't knows ’ and floating social democrats .
4 It would dry up the flow of Japanese credit to all American borrowers , private or public .
5 Of course somebody , Who Shall Be Nameless , would bring up the subject of Burns-And-You-Know-What , and how many of his children were born on The Wrong Side Of The Blanket , What Right Had We to look down on Brown Owl for her shotgun wedding when we were all supposed to look up to Rabbie Burns as Our Big Hero ?
6 When an agreement was drawn up in 1922 between the Vatican and the Soviet government for a Catholic famine relief mission , some Orthodox leaders in Western Russia declared that the Communists hoped that Catholic propaganda would bring about the downfall of the whole Orthodox Church .
7 Each state was required to submit a state implementation plan ( SIP ) indicating how its control programme would bring about the attainment of the NAAQSs by 1975 .
8 Having devised the SIP , the state had to present monitoring and modelling data indicating that its control programme would bring about the attainment of the primary NAAQSs .
9 Twice more , on 24 February and 21 March 1943 , Hitler repeated his threat that the war would bring about the extermination of Jewry , and came back to it again in one final reference — which produced ‘ lively applause ’ — during an address to generals and officers at Berchtesgaden on 26 May 1944 .
10 He had thought the death of his uncle , Sir Nelson , would bring about the end of his monetary problems , but Sir Nelson 's wealth was in his land and livestock .
11 Despite predictions from the FFA that drift-netting would bring about the collapse of albacore stocks within a few years , the Japanese delegation steadfastly refused to make any concessions .
12 Some economists predicted that such capital transfers would bring about the collapse of the international monetary system along with the Western world 's bankruptcy and demise .
13 Just as the early European explorers of the North Atlantic would bring back the tusks of narwhals and pass them off as the horns of unicorns , so would the early Arabian and Indian sailors bring back the massive bones of the Cassowary as evidence of the giant " roc " of the Sinbad sagas , or the Garuda bird of Hindu mythology , which is today the symbol of Indonesia 's national airline .
14 A public inquiry might be more beneficial because , as my hon. Friend said , it would bring out the details of the scheme .
15 Newly created " executive delegations " would carry out the functions of the dissolved councils .
16 I would trace out the courses of rivers in my school atlas and imagine following them to their sources or to some foreign sea .
17 ‘ I do n't know what form that decision will take and how they would work out the practicalities of making the generators buy more coal . ’
18 He had known that Sidacai would work out the nature of the venture before he had to be told .
19 Such a result would wipe out the effect of the Danish vote and would , it was hoped , have the side-effect of dividing M. Mitterrand 's right-wing opponents .
20 They would wipe out the shame of their ignominious defeat !
21 In company , with another or others , they would bank down the embers of the past .
22 The island wind would blow freshly through the wooden casements of his bedroom there , and a columned verandah as in a Roman country villa would keep out the heat of the sun at its zenith from the interior .
23 The idea is that the Government would maintain a central funding role , and would lay down the rates of benefit , while at the same time encouraging organizations , possibly private ones , to handle the payments to customers .
24 Designed to speed up the purchasing process , a ‘ logbook ’ would set out the condition of a home and any work done to it , as well as listing surveys .
25 He claimed that the Government 's vision of enabling authorities — those which would contract out the operation of services — was greatly exaggerated .
26 Such was the popularity of film and such was the reforming zeal of that first decade or so of the twentieth century that there must have been every possibility that other agencies would take up the chance of producing , distributing , and exhibiting films in their own halls .
27 As far as William was concerned , seizing the English throne was just one move in his struggle to resist the growing power of France that had already lasted twenty years and would take up the whole of the rest of his life .
28 Among the presidential powers was the appointment of the Prime Minister , the president and members of the Supreme Court , the prosecutor general , the Speaker of the National Assemby and the president of the Senate , who would take over the functions of President in the event of the post suddenly being vacated .
29 That evening at supper Dunbar came to them and abruptly , without preamble , announced that he would take over the keepership of Berwick Castle forthwith .
30 Speaking the day after a meeting of the Armed Forces Ruling Council ( AFRC ) , Babangida said that caretaker committees would take over the adminstration of the two parties and would , in conjunction with the National Electoral Commission ( NEC ) , draw up new guidelines for the selection of party executives at local , state and national level .
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