Example sentences of "would [vb infin] [to-vb] at the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ There is no definite plan … if you were going to , you would want to go at the top , and we are still growing . ’
2 Er I would like to say at the outset that erm we we support the deposit version of the er the deposit version allocations of the alteration .
3 Erm , I would like to say at the start .
4 I am now writing to confirm that we would like to arrive at the factory at 3.30 pm on 13 June and to briefly film two areas of the Kit-Kat production line : the cascade of finished and wrapped bars and the slower moving line of unwrapped bars .
5 I would like to look at the people who are being cared for , the people that we 're talking about , are the elderly , quite often these people have lived through two world wars and given up their young married life , they have brought up their children through the bleak days of the general strike , is it right that these people have to suffer the indignity of charity hand-outs ?
6 It would have to happen at the speed of light .
7 He saw the Brussels agreement being extended eventually to cover the whole of Western Europe , but each step would have to be thoroughly explored , and the overall character would have to remain at the level of intergovernmental cooperation .
8 It involved quick learning of the part , for she would have to appear at the matinée ; but in fact there were few lines to say , and most of the acting involved being laid on a sofa by a young man and proposed to , after various adventures which were mostly physical .
9 I would have to guess at the others because I did n't do erm sums on the other ones it was only on the last play but if it 's on the same sort of erm proportions , then I would say somewhere around thirty percent of the audience are concessions .
10 The answer is that even if everyone playing cards always had a certain sort of feeling when they trumped an opponent 's card and had another , different , feeling when they revoked , it would still be the case that to understand what it is to trump , and to revoke , we would have to look at the game itself , that is , at the use of trump-cards in the game .
11 They would start to jeer at the company , but stopped when they saw the Hearthware sashes and the Myrcan staves and whispered amongst themselves .
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