Example sentences of "would [vb infin] [vb pp] [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 If I 'd wanted to really zoom around the fretboard I would 've opted for a medium/short-scale bass with really light , roundwound strings .
2 A burglar would be able to avoid the trip beam of an intruder alarm system , and a factory or office would appear illuminated by the infra-red light used by security cameras .
3 Yet it is precisely that kind of issue that the coalition would like addressed in a coherent and collaborative fashion .
4 Support Alan on Saturday and contact him with details those items you would like auctioned at the next opportunity in December .
5 For example , a centred heading above justified text would become blocked at the left-hand margin if Alt+P was applied to it as well as to the text below .
6 Imperial preachers were haranguing the coastal populace to destroy … people like Jaq himself , people who would become polluted through no real fault of their own , in many cases .
7 If not , the persons ‘ knowingly concerned ’ would have to pay and , on payment , would become subrogated to the primary claim against the contravener .
8 One disadvantage of the change might be that the more precise moral distinctions currently incorporated within the law would become submerged within the sentencing discretion , where the signposts are less clear and the arguments less structured .
9 Each grapheme is then translated into a corresponding phonemic representation on the basis of pre-established conversion rules ( each grapheme would become associated with a particular phoneme as one 's reading skills develop ) .
10 If all scientists were and remained normal scientists then a particular science would become trapped in a single paradigm and would never progress beyond it .
11 For the five-part piece that follows , for which the livret suggests that both strings and winds played , the score does not reveal whether the oboe band would have played as a four-part ensemble or have expanded to five parts in order to double all the strings .
12 ‘ We Americans are spoilt , ’ he said , ‘ I doubt whether we would have played in the cold and soaking conditions we had here today . ’
13 The door opened unexpectedly , and he would have fallen into the dark kitchen were it not for the fact that after four inches it jarred and stuck .
14 ‘ Men who , under any other pair of hands , would have remained on the injured list for three or four weeks , Tom would have fit again in three or four days …
15 Many of the tenants buying would have remained in the same houses , so there would not have been ‘ voids ’ for allocation in any case .
16 Investment in housing , transport , education and social services would have risen with a Labour victory .
17 As to Wayne Proctor , there were those who would have gone for the former Welsh hurdler , Nigel Walker , though , heaven knows , Proctor , the fastest player in the side , was himself no mean athlete in his schooldays .
18 And as for letting go of what he had , he would have gone to every possible shift first .
19 They divided local government services in such a way that most of the major services including education , major planning , personal social services and housing would have gone to the regional authorities while the districts would have been left with minor aspects of these services and certain amenity services .
20 Yes my Lord er as soon as we went to the main bedroom which was the back bedroom at the same time as as that bedroom door opened , so the second team consisting of er P C P C would have gone into the second smaller bedroom and at the same time as we went in er P C and P C job er was to cover our backs in case of anybody in er the kitchen or the living area , the living room area .
21 His hero is a stick who would have contributed to The New Statesman .
22 Even the Government President of Upper Bavaria felt compelled to admit that the relief about Hitler 's survival was not unanimous , but that ‘ part of the population would have welcomed the success of the assassination attempt in the first instance because they would have hoped for an earlier end to the war from it ’ .
23 Mary had once mentioned Tom to her but his marriage to Alice would , she knew , be of no significance in the intensely inward life of the old woman whom unsympathetic observers would have categorised as a mad old crone .
24 On the other hand , Clara would have fitted into the Jaguar-driving clique .
25 Conventional economic analysis would have pointed to the opposite policy , but would have ignored the human factor in making a complete system work .
26 I had the feeling of a patron drawn deeper than he would have liked into the unpredictable consequences of his generosity — a lonely figure , heir to the Agnew fortune and tradition , yet unmarried , childless , last of his line .
27 ‘ If only it had been me I would have flown to the highest tree where they could n't catch me and then , and then into the sky to find the wind . ’
28 I do n't think he would have moved to a two hundred and thirty five thousand pound house either
29 Tawney 's argument placed ‘ the world of Labour ’ explicitly before his audience , at a time when he and they were concerned about the WEA 's drift towards the middle class — a drift that any radical , like Tawney , would have regarded as an unqualified loss , an opting for the ‘ line of least resistance ’ .
30 Bull , whose next goal for Wolves wil be his 200th in the League , would have equalised in the 65th minute but for a bad bounce on the edge of the six-yard area .
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