Example sentences of "would [vb infin] [pers pn] [prep] be [adj] " in BNC.

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1 you would need it to be nine o'clock .
2 that 's one place you would need it to be washable .
3 More , he lived in hope that one such mirror would find something behind his looks only another pair of eyes could see : some undiscovered self that would free him from being Gentle .
4 It would delight me to be able to buy you presents ; to take you with me to my friends ' houses , to the theatre , to Biarritz , to Cannes — wherever it pleased you to go . ’
5 Then , when you returned , school would have started and they would beat you for being late .
6 A cost-benefit analysis would show it to be uneconomical .
7 The changes in eicosanoids reflected the clinical symptoms ; and we would expect them to be greater in severely symptomatic patients .
8 Positive , negative , and the thing at the end is a Z , of sorts All scores above the mean , if you converted them to a Z score you would expect them to be positive .
9 They want space and they would expect it to be one of the bigger cars .
10 Objections were raised to Lotze 's candidate for the position of ‘ local sign ’ on such grounds as that localisation was prompt and certain just where , according to Lotze 's theory , one would expect it to be difficult if not impossible .
11 I 'm not saying it like that , what I 'm saying is I would pref , yes , I would like them to be involved in it a as far as my subject reports are concerned I would like our reports that we do , we do involve the kids , I pass them out , we discuss them and I 'll re-draft but I would not , rather not have their written sample on that piece .
12 ‘ I want to make shoes and sell them in large quantities and yet I would like them to be different , individual , and to achieve that , I require a designer . ’
13 I would like it to be equal .
14 ‘ I have been asked to supply the models and I would like you to be one of them . ’
15 As well as the above , John Wylie would like you to be available to share with him two sections on Saturday , 11.20–12.45 : ‘ Ending sufferings ’ page 3 , and 7.00–9.00 : ‘ Welcoming diversity ’ page 6 .
16 He said formally , ‘ I would like you to be present at the boatyard tomorrow morning . ’
17 I would like you to be happy too . ’
18 He can see it as blue ( that is , it can be the case that , on looking at it , he would take it to be blue if he had no reason to think otherwise ) only if he can discriminate between objects in respect of their being or not being blue .
19 75% stated they would recommend it to be available from general practitioners surgeries .
20 He would ask young Alex for the ring , and see that it was put well on Mary 's finger , he would wish them to be happy and fruitful and true to one another and that nothing would ever part them .
21 Even if the Treaty had been signed , the Court would hold it to be unreviewable .
22 Bruce Dern said Corman did him and Nicholson a favour by getting them a part because they both needed the money at the time ; Corman arranged it so that their shooting schedules would require them to be available for the first and last weeks of the four-week stint , thus , under union rules guaranteeing them a salary cheque for the full four weeks .
23 Pray that the Lord would help us to be faithful in supporting our BMS link missionaries .
24 2 In the Space section it would help us to be able to illustrate scene 14 in some way .
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