Example sentences of "would [vb infin] [verb] [pers pn] on the " in BNC.

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1 Now erm you will already know and I certainly would 've told you on the phone that er you are not responsible for setting the assignments up .
2 I would 've put them on the same level in all honesty
3 What she would give to punch him on the nose , and flatten once and for all his insulting , devilish assumptions .
4 In the name of the International Lesbian and Gay Association ( IGLA ) , I would like to congratulate you on the positive stand that Amnesty International has taken at its recent International Council Meeting regarding people imprisoned solely for their homosexuality .
5 Lastly , I would like to congratulate you on the new look ( suck suck ) , and I especially like the PD pages .
6 I would like to congratulate you on the production of WAM which I think is stylish , well presented and interesting in content , and encouraging in its attention to issues of class , colour , gender and international politics .
7 When we indicated that we would like to clear him on the spot he was very reluctant to let us on board saying that the boat was " in a hell of a mess " !
8 They were as David and Jonathan , but if anyone had hinted such Jack would have poked him on the nose , and as for Charlie …
9 He could no longer keep his eyes open to watch any one of the Thrill-a-Minute videos which , until quite recently , would have kept him on the edge of his seat .
10 He was a real old country doctor , of a type that is fast dying out , and she knew that if she had been a few years younger he would have patted her on the cheek .
11 Well I 'll tell you what I I you know seriously er with what Norman would have told you on the phone self employed commission only erm if you er I I 'm surprised you came to see us .
12 ‘ If her car had broken down your Dad or me would have passed it on the road . ’
13 Here 's money for my meat ; I would have left it on the board , so soon As I had made my meal ; and parted With prayers for the provider
14 Byrne said later : ‘ The local Celtic scout said he would have signed me on the spot .
15 It takes imagination and a lot of practice to read a play to yourself in the same time as it would take to see it on the stage .
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