Example sentences of "would [vb infin] at [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 He had made her whole body feel as though it would explode at the slightest caress from him .
2 During Oldenburg 's visit , it was agreed that he and his family would stay at a secluded dacha outside St Petersburg .
3 There we would gaze at the massive steam engines , all ready connected to their huge waggons , to make a quick getaway to The Market Place at dawn on the following day .
4 Gosport was found to be ‘ virtually without defence , protected on the landward side only by an ill-maintained entrenchment … which would fall at the first assault ’ , while the Isle of Wight contained so few troops , so thinly scattered , that it was bound to succumb to a determined attack .
5 As a result the DES ( 1983 ) forecasts assumed that mature entry rates would fall at the same speed as the fall in 21–25 years olds — who constitute the majority of entrants to HE aged over 20 .
6 He was playing with her emotions , stringing them out like a taut band that would snap at the slightest pressure .
7 There are many players out there who I 'm sure would look at a non-locking system as archaic and unusable .
8 ‘ I understand your concern , Shih Spatz , but if you would look at the other file . ’
9 And on Monday mornings , she would look at the little bridge on her willow pattern plate and wish she could run across it away from her Uncle Philip 's house to where the flowering trees were .
10 I wondered what would count as an adequate educational response to individuals being labelled deviant , a response which would not simply take for granted that certain acts were or were not deviant but would look at the whole context of the interaction .
11 This can be avoided in the second model : Here pupils would begin at an agreed level and be guided through tasks with demands at each step increasing so that every child can positively achieve , i.e. reach their place on the ladder while the most able can continue to show their abilities beyond a fixed range .
12 If true , it should follow that antral cancer would be more common and would occur at an early age in those parts of the world where the majority of the population already have serum antibodies to the organism before adult life .
13 An examination of the naming patterns used by the Titfords of Frome would suggest at a cursory glance that every eldest son was named after his paternal grandfather , as a matter of course .
14 It was in this way that he was thinking when , with Lili by his side and their suitcases on a trolley he would abandon at the tube-station entrance , he looked up and met the eyes of Adam Verne-Smith .
15 They had had to pass straight through some of the villages which were completely full and did not know where they would go next , but would stop at the first village in which they could park their coach .
16 It might be short on intrigue and backstabbing but it would move at a cracking pace .
17 We 'd immediately dismiss 5% of our workforce and the same would happen at the larger timber firms throughout the UK .
18 On getting there I calculated when I would arrive at the next post , where I promised myself lunch .
19 Always during this period the same paper was used , although a rumour that it would change at the next sitting was constantly promulgated by dealers who had once cheated , to discourage others from doing likewise .
20 She would leave at the first opportunity , and never again would she listen to the reckless promptings of her heart .
21 When he was speaking , the pair would stand at a respectful distance , to hear him declaim poetry or discuss painting with a breadth of knowledge .
22 King 's Jester used to be a very spooky horse and would shy at the same jump , stacked in the corner of the school , every single day and if anything was moved to a different position , he would behave as if it were about to leap out and get him .
23 I assumed they would all have been stowed in one corner of the hold and would reappear at the same time .
24 On Aug. 28 it also announced that , in complete collaboration with NATO policy-making , the WEU would put at the immediate disposal of the UN almost 5,000 troops , along with transport and logistical equipment .
25 There was , for example , the theory that A'Tuin had come from nowhere and would continue at a uniform crawl , or steady gait , into nowhere , for all time .
26 Unlike the US and Russia , the Ministry said , Britain did not have large stocks of fissile material and British production would continue at a minimum level to satisfy the need for the deterrent and naval reactor requirements .
27 Her mother was killed in a train accident and her father , without looking at her , for he very rarely looked at her , told her that she would continue at the local school .
28 The highly reactive pentagon-road fragments , if they form at all , would form at an early stage of clustering when many small radical species remain .
29 When the kitchen was clean and the children put to bed , Beth and David would go to the sitting room , where he would sit at the circular table , head bent over documents and rent books .
30 Right , now will let m l Let me ask you where you are going then as far as the Party 's own constitution is concerned , we saw a development , a significant development that I no doubt you would say at the Labour Party conference er er down in Brighton , but not withstanding O M O B the trade unions still have one third of the votes in the selection of the leader of the party , seventy percent say on policy matters at conference , there is still a trade union block vote .
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