Example sentences of "would [adv] [verb] been [verb] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It should be realised that the amount stocked would only have been expected to last a relatively short time .
2 Most of Leapor 's time at Weston Hall and Edgcote House would obviously have been spent working .
3 When a tree is removed , the water which would normally have been extracted remains in the ground , which can result in swelling .
4 Without the Rivas of the world , no ben Issachar would ever have been born to learn the arts devoted to my undoing .
5 ‘ Had the contract been simply for so many tons of potatoes of a particular quality then , although each party might have had in his mind when he made the contract this particular crop of potatoes , if they had all perished , the defendant would still have been bound to deliver the quantity contracted for . ’
6 In many ways this was a sensible policy since even if Danzig had not been made a Free City and had remained within the long arm of Prussia , the local economy was too poor to maintain it for long ; a German Danzig would still have been forced to rely upon a distant Vistula hinterland .
7 Swiss researchers would also have been allowed to join programme committees and to serve as project leaders on individual projects .
8 Halley and his successors at the Royal Greenwich Observatory would surely have been fascinated to learn of the unexpected uses to which astronomers of the late 20th century would put their solar observations .
9 Sewell at least must have benefited by the visits , and the varied material he brought home , including books as well as horseshoes , would surely have been put to use in the Veterinary College .
10 Unfortunately , the prosecution failed to disclose that the complainant had a spent conviction for theft , and it was held that , had the conviction been duly disclosed , the defence would have applied for and would undoubtedly have been granted leave to cross-examine the complainant about it .
11 This suggests the significance of specialist workers in two possible ways : either preventing compulsion where there was insufficient risk to the patient or others , or persuading those who would otherwise have been sectioned to enter hospital informally .
12 This benefit allows you to deduct the years when you were required to give up work from the normal qualifying period for a basic pension and so , in effect , shorten the number of years when you would otherwise have been required to make contributions .
13 He would never have been allowed to remain looking like that in the regimented environment of a long-stay ward , but the staff of the house were striving to apply their understanding of the principles of normalization .
14 If outrage were the sole test of legality in the arts , then the Impressionists would never have been allowed to organise the Salon des Refusés , Edvard Munch would have been driven into permanent exile , and the score of Stravinsky 's Rite of Spring would be gathering dust in some criminal museum like the Italian negative of Bertolucci 's Last Tango in Paris .
15 This generation of new men might not have been elected but for the war but they would certainly have been trying to get elected in a general election in 1915 .
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