Example sentences of "would [adv] [verb] [pers pn] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Once through the narrows , and having explored and discounted tempting-looking passages that turned out to go nowhere — Bahia Inútil : one can almost sense Magellan growling with irritation as he named this immense body of water useless — the Captain-General entered the narrow waterway that would eventually take him into the neighbour-ocean .
2 She had said he must marry only so as not to disappoint his mother ; but should he come to her one day and say he was about to marry someone , that would assuredly beat her into the ground .
3 So , one Member of Parliament 's idea ‘ to have girl muggers whipped ’ would turn back the clock to the 1820s when corporal punishment for women was abolished , whereas another Parliamentary recommendation to ‘ Bring back stocks for hooligans ’ would presumably transport us into the Dark Ages .
4 This situation is doubtless taken for granted by today 's generation , yet , less than twenty-five years ago , leading statisticians were expressing concern lest interposition of the machine would so distance them from the data under consideration that the quality of analysis would suffer .
5 The school authorities were unsympathetic : the dinner ladies would only accept you into the school to see the nurse if you were on the point of death , + my teacher kindly informed me that I should n't have been running in the playground .
6 ‘ MY GRANDADDY … would gently nudge me off the sidewalk if a white person ever walked close by . ’
7 Camping holidays were always in the rain , but my parents would constantly remind us throughout the fortnight that the sun was ‘ trying to come out ’ .
8 She would just confront him with the fact that she knew about Flint Investments of New York , and see what he said .
9 They usually some of them would just order it through the vil the merchants , through the shops here .
10 I am s one that has just been recently appointed to one of these er regional ecumenical teams and at a meeting that was held for the three presbytery areas in the sort of west coast of Scotland , around the Greenoch area , erm it was , it became apparent that all these people who are being appointed er through their , their churches are in the main clergy and the convenor of the local committee himself a ruling elder of the Church of Scotland expressed concern about this , that there is no real er and I would just put it to the , to the assembly , there is there is no need for these members to be members of the clergy , in fact it would be good if presbyteries remembered when making a nomination eh that it , er it need n't be , it could be a , a an elder or indeed er a lay person holding no particular office within the church .
11 ‘ We would normally do it on the day she moves in . ’
12 Since the mite demands food more than three times as often as the host would usually offer it to the larvae , it 's no surprise that an infected ant abandons all its usual duties in the nest while carrying the mite .
13 BY LEAVING FOR AUSTRALIA , Gould was not only side-stepping the wash he had helped to agitate with Darwin ; he was preserving for himself a niche which would forever distinguish him from the motley and profusive competition of all other ornithological illustrators .
14 Carole King , the sharpest female lyricist of all time , ponders going all the way and whether her lover would still respect her in the morning .
15 This would probably take her below the pass limit , although all these various low-scoring characteristics are simply symptoms of the single factor that she has recently been left by her husband .
16 Some of these types who went in for murder as a professional thing would probably take you to the cleaners as soon as look at you .
17 If , as naïve young hunters , they attacked a brightly coloured prey , bit it and started to chew it , only to discover that it had a foul taste or a poisonous secretion , they would probably remember it for the rest of their lives .
18 And er I I would honestly put it in the , in the March period it 's on the second
19 This is one of the most absorbing accounts of this tragic masterpiece which I have heard recently , and I would confidently place it among the very best of recorded versions .
20 At Gorbachev 's side stood Marshall Dmitri Yazov , the defence minister who would later betray him in the attempted coup .
21 What would really put me on the spot , and how will I cope with it ?
22 The tradesman who put him there knew this , and hoped that by being removed to such unfamiliar and unpleasant surroundings his debtor would soon see the sense of agreeing to do what would immediately return him to the comparative comfort of his own home , namely to surrender , in settlement of his debt , the real estate which the law did not allow the trader to touch .
23 In the end it was agreed under a chivalric code that if no English forces came to relieve the beleaguered garrison by Midsummer Day 1314 , the governor would honourably surrender it to the Scots .
24 Taking a bottle , he would then open it with the bottom edge of the Bic lighters that most people carried , prising the top off in one movement .
25 Stony Stratford men could have their lunch cooked at home and placed in a basket , labelled , and school children would then rush them to the top of the town and the tram would make an express run for one penny per lunch basket .
26 He would then sell it on the account to all his big clients .
27 Now what happened , and it was a good procedure because what happened was that if anyone say on a Friday had found himself in a difficult situation , we would then discuss it on the Monday afternoon , er bearing in mind that he had taken it to the foreman and had got no response from the foreman , we could discuss it on a Monday afternoon , the convenor and the secretary would deal with it the following day , and in all probability , without having recourse to take it any further , reply to the man that the matter had been resolved and , and to his liking .
28 On a parish visit the pastor would sometimes take him to the bedside of a dying man or woman and Ramsey would sit long by the bed , saying almost nothing , but holding hands and at the end giving a blessing .
29 The difference being , of course , that in those days the phenomenon of semi-literacy did not exist and readers of Disraeli 's or Thackeray 's novels would neither mistake them for the real world , nor read them to the exclusion of all real political texts .
30 A second application in two weeks , followed by another more careful combing , would completely rid him of the pests .
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