Example sentences of "would [adv] [verb] [prep] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I would rather stay at a good bed & breakfast than in several five-star hotels I could name .
2 You really can not tell me too much — I would rather sift through a huge amount of detail and give you a definite answer than have to suggest all the possible alternatives and leave you to figure out which applies in your case .
3 His neat , Astaire-like side-step to the road where he would rather die under a shining new Merc than to have to go too close to a cripple .
4 I would rather die in a glorious cause than to succeed because I never set anything to go for .
5 As she tentatively slid one ski forwards half an inch , the other decided it would rather proceed in a sideways direction , and , with a strangled squawk , she hit the deck , an ungainly tangle of arms , legs and ski-sticks .
6 And even after due allowance has been made for the undeniable fact , easily forgotten as it is , that literature is written by writers , and that writers are likely to be highly exceptional beings who actively prefer working alone , there is still something persuasively representative about the man in the play who would rather listen to a new recording of a favourite opera than to the problems of his neighbours and relatives .
7 The perceived decrease in the public 's generosity means that it is even more important for businesses , and I mean all business , not just the larger ones that have traditionally provided the pool of resource , to realise that their businesses would only succeed within a healthy society , and a healthy society means the support of business men and business women .
8 Major , addressing the Welsh Conservative Party conference on June 14 , dismissed those " sulking on the fringe of talks about the destiny of Europe " and declared that " the British government and the British parliament would only move to a single currency if they took a further , separate and explicit decision to do so , not just when to do so but whether to do so at all " .
9 The Israeli delegation rejected such an interpretation and insisted that it would only negotiate with a joint Jordanian-Palestinian delegation .
10 It would only call fur a small diversion from the direct route from Stanley to McMurdo Sound to give him a glimpse of the Ice Shelf and the area where Shackleton 's Endurance was beset and finally sunk . ’
11 They note that for a deviation Δ of 10 -11 the accumulated effect over a year would only amount to a relative velocity of 1 µm s -1 towards the Sun !
12 There are other outlets , if you want to learn the media game , in terms of speech and view , as it were , hospital radio , I do n't know whether you have any hospitals in your region but increasingly hospital radio offers an opportunity and a challenge , and welcomes people who would like to try their hand at becoming sort of D.J.s , or features editors , or are prepared to talk interestingly about subjects , and this you would only know from a local point of view .
13 One would obviously hope for a linear dependence of the A-measure on area .
14 The Piaroa view the arrogant and dominating character , which the Shavante would highly esteem in a mature male , as odious .
15 It was as if when she caught her breath she would necessarily break into a hysterical laughing and crying .
16 And strict interpretation of the ten miles and Mr reminded me would just pinch in a little bit erm of the of the West Yorkshire greenbelt .
17 To offer a means of institutionalizing their relationships ( which , if given the opportunity , would perhaps be as stable as the average ‘ normal ’ modern marriage ) , thereby guaranteeing some rights of continued support between the parties , would thus serve as a valuable method of ameliorating a particular social ill .
18 I wonder if they would sooner live in a tribal hut than the white man 's three-bedroomed house with fully-fitted kitchen ? ’
19 Small wonder at the end of a week , punch-drunk wth boredom , they were vague about how many they would normally do in a specified time-period .
20 God willing , he would soon go on a final long journey to another home , his real home , in Eretz .
21 We were told later that the fraud was so enormous — a total of $10 million — that reconstruction was impossible , and that any money the majority shareholders could put in would soon disappear into a large hole .
22 The controversy finally ended when Cardinal Glemp assured international Jewish leaders during a visit to the United Kingdom that work would soon begin on a new centre , and construction began in February 1990 .
23 He would soon argue for a Whitmanesque , democratic art , drawn from the people and distributed to them in popular editions , accessible to all and finding its way into ‘ workmen 's houses and farms ’ .
24 It had been necessary to handle the appointment rather delicately , as when the post was originally advertised it had been for a boys ' school , 600 strong ; with the anticipated changes this would soon develop into a co-educational establishment of up to 1,000 .
25 ( 6 ) No self-respecting Hooray would ever refer to a female friend as anything other than a ‘ girl ’ or ‘ filly ’ .
26 Of course the addition of a stereo processor would require a slightly bigger case but would still make for a manageable little rig .
27 There are two safeguards however , such an Order requires the Secretary of State 's confirmation and would probably result in a public inquiry and should the local authority be successful s.170 of that Act provides that compensation is payable in respect or any exercise of the power .
28 The Kiwis , however , would probably ask for a hastily-arranged tour based more around one-day internationals than Tests .
29 But I think we 're covered there because we 've got grape vine , which people would probably work on a new leaflet and the specimen cassette 's going to be ready before the leaflet , and then project English new leaflet December , so if you are aiming to produce , if you do so , a new project English specimen cassette for next spring then
30 Mr Lindsey was predicting in early January that the majority of customers this year would probably opt for a variable rate , on the basis that they probably did not believe interest rates would drop very much further .
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