Example sentences of "would [be] [vb pp] [adv] [adv] as " in BNC.

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1 He also told the Minister of State for the Armed Forces that he hoped that the matter would be expedited as quickly as possible .
2 Cunningham said the work would be done as soon as possible and that there would talks with Novell in the next month or two .
3 I have a letter from Mr C J Whalley , Divisional Surveyor dated 7th November 1990 saying that the carriageway would be reinstated as soon as possible after the removal of the tree stump .
4 In the Commons , on a Friday when only a handful of MPs are ever present , the secretary of state for Northern Ireland spoke deferentially about it and on behalf of Jim Callaghan 's Labour government singled out two of its recommendations which , he promised , would be implemented as soon as possible .
5 On the same day the government announced that although Part II of the Football Spectators Act , which gave powers to the courts to impose restriction orders on those convicted of football-related offences , would be implemented as soon as possible , Part I of the Act which proposed a national membership scheme would not now go ahead in view of the advice given in the report .
6 These would be either two women and a man , or two men and a woman , and the Hearings would be conducted as informally as possible , in surroundings that would not be intimidating to children .
7 A striking one came in 1760 when , at the marriage of the Princess of Brazil , the daughter of King Joseph I , the masterful Portuguese chief minister , the marques de Pombal , announced that though the papal nuncio and the imperial ambassador would take precedence over all other foreign envoys this would be governed so far as the rest of them were concerned simply by the dates on which they had presented their credentials .
8 Permit stubs and catch returns would be appreciated as soon as possible .
9 It also announced that a meeting of the Collective State Presidency would be held as soon as possible to proclaim a president and vice-president and discuss the security situation .
10 One polytechnic had expressed its fears to the Council that not all boards would operate the new arrangements , and had received an assurance from the Chief Officer that ‘ corrective action would be taken as soon as possible where any Board was seen not acting in the spirit of the new arrangements ’ .
11 Shareholders would be notified as soon as possible whether the alternative offer would be made , and if so , on what terms , TVS said in a brief statement .
12 Stephen and he agreed that in view of the value to the island of Crystal Springs ' recruitment plans , the regulations would be waived this time and Michael Stein 's long-term permit would be processed as quickly as possible .
13 A BR spokeswoman said the fencing would be repaired as quickly as possible .
14 Further association agreements would be negotiated as soon as possible with these countries , and would offer regular political dialogue , financial aid and eventual free trade , but would not refer specifically to possible EC membership .
15 Middlesbrough council spokesman Doug Allan said the planning application would be considered as soon as possible .
16 He signed the despatch with his name and rank , then handed it to Blasendorf who promised it would be delivered as swiftly as his horses could cross country .
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