Example sentences of "would [verb] been [verb] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 But the only powers they would have then had to stop contact with the abuser would have been to take the children into care .
2 And Campbell ( 1987 ) demonstrates that indigenization in the Ivory Coast did not really challenge the dominance of foreign capital because to do so would have been to put the mode of accumulation at risk .
3 Surely , the most effective denial of this satanic allegation would have been to allow the rituals of the higher degrees to be published in full .
4 Even though the reason for permitting the employees to continue work pending the appeals may have been born out of a sense of leniency , the proper course of action would have been to suspend the employees pending the hearing of the appeals .
5 Without actually opening it , which would have been to examine the beast physiologically , Hull inferred numerous relationships between levels of motivation ( drive ) and the extent of learning ( habit strength ) that rendered a response more or less probable .
6 His normal reaction would have been to swing the car in a U-turn to return and tackle the driver of the tractor .
7 Bertha would have been sent the message that she could go hopping sideways — while she herself would have been told to get down the road and out of his sight .
8 Dr Enid Starkie would have been given the chance to swat another Mistake in Literature .
9 Forty-eight hours from now , she thought , staring at her pale reflection in the mirror , Anne Hammond would have been given the miracle of the chance of a new lease of life , while her own future seemed to stretch emptily ahead with nothing but work to fill it .
10 If she wanted us to blame Burrows by faking an entry point , surely the simplest thing would have been to leave the window open ?
11 The latter two sources are of uncertain reliability , while the Encomiast 's suppression of Emma 's previous marriage to Æthelred makes one suspicious of his entire treatment of the affair , but it is inherently likely that negotiations did take place , for Cnut was shrewd enough to appreciate that gaining Emma 's assistance against her sons without Richard 's goodwill would have been to leave the job half done .
12 … most of the theft-murders that have resulted in capital convictions since the Act have been committed by stupid persons , who had not the sense to see how easily they could be caught , and how much safer it would have been to do the job in a different way .
13 They would have been chewing the carpet but for the fact that the floor was concrete .
14 Many believe that if Labour 's national executive had acted on his report in the mid-1970s about the need to root out Militant Tendency , the party would have been saved the turmoil of the 1980s , by which time Militant had gained a grip .
15 The sensible response would have been to increase the number of officers , not to cut them .
16 If we assume that the customer has paid for the goods then the first entries would have been to increase the bank by £600 and include in the profit and 1088 account sales of £600 .
17 It was a technological triumph and a magnificent intelligence coup , or would have been had the Russians not know about it all the time .
18 They share one feature in common , namely an attempt to quantify what the condition of , say , the balance of trade would have been had the country in question not participated in the CU .
19 Nevertheless , the overall result is richer than it would have been had the speaker just produced [ 14b ] , and , I believe , richer than it would have been had the speaker produced an alternative metaphor in which the pound was actually mentioned .
20 Nevertheless , the overall result is richer than it would have been had the speaker just produced [ 14b ] , and , I believe , richer than it would have been had the speaker produced an alternative metaphor in which the pound was actually mentioned .
21 Perhaps it would have been had the South American dealer not ignored his every letter , fax and telephone call requesting confirmation of delivery date .
22 The calculation of additional financing costs may also be carried out on a comparative basis , comparing what the costs would have been had the project not been delayed and disrupted compared with actual costs .
23 The picture that we now have from Oppenheimer 's work is as follows : The gravitational field of the star changes the paths of light rays in space-time from what they would have been had the star not been present .
24 We did not make it clear that the table showed not the banks ' actual ratios but a hypothetical estimate of what they would have been had the banks not borrowed subordinated loans to boost their capital ( as Japan 's finance ministry let them do after June ) .
25 To have remained in the contest under these circumstances would have been to play the role of a " spoiler " said Tsongas , and , thereby , to " become the agent of the re-election of George Bush " .
26 At least that way the remaining infants would be deloused , taught to read and write , fed , and Mrs Rattrie , by being separated from her husband — since paupers were not allowed to breed — would have been spared the trouble of having any more .
27 If the Liberal Democrats had voted with the Government rather than against , John Major would have been spared the embarrassment of defeat and the delay to the Maastricht Bill because of the consequential need for a report stage .
28 My best course would have been to follow the track to the village , strike the road , and then to go along the road until I met the track by which I had come from the shore .
29 Even to have imagined a destination would have been to raise the question , why this place rather than that ?
30 The only possible resolution of the difficulty would have been to obtain the consent of both Mr. Brant and the plaintiff to reveal Mr. Perot 's interest to the other .
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