Example sentences of "would [adv] go back [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Pro-Europeans were no happier as he stated that sterling would not go back into the ERM until changes were made .
2 After all , the money ‘ saved ’ would not go back to the LTA but would have been used to swell the amount available to be paid in appearance money to the two or three ‘ names ’ needed to start the telephones ringing in the box office .
3 Now , almost ten years , on farmers there say they would not go back to the days of Government subsidies and control over what can be grown .
4 I wondered if people would ever go back to the old ways .
5 But can you see the people who came to the stepping stones and could n't go across and had to go back the way they 'd already come would n't go back with a very their ego would n't have b been boosted very high .
6 ‘ Not all , ’ said Memet , ‘ but we would n't go back to the olive trees — not for ever , not unless we could take our money with us . ’
7 I 'm bloody glad I 'm out of there , I would n't go back in a million years , of course he 's sitting there with this chinese cup in his hand ,
8 He would then go back to the Bar and try to make a living there .
9 The bottles would therefore go back to the company , which would only pay one deposit on each bottle but the deposit would end up in the hands , not of the purchasers of the soft drinks , but of the defendants .
10 He made no secret of his belief that Britain would NEVER go back into the Exchange Rate Mechanism .
11 However , as a ‘ courageous ’ cut and sewer , as well as being a past owner of a Brother Electronic with garter carriage which casts off automatically , I decided that I would never go back to a latch tool cast off and that it was a waste of time in any case if I was intending to cut the fabric !
12 She stood with the cape drenched about her , the rain at her back , and knew she would never go back to the Lodge .
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