Example sentences of "would [adv] have [been] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Since it would have been unlikely that many property offenders would have been able to pay the fines that he advocated , they would mostly have been subjected to the forced labour that he proposed as the alternative .
2 The wadi would rarely have been filled with water , but deep down , the soil was moist , and trees were able to drink from its reserve .
3 The advice given by these advisers would properly have been guided by expediency as much as by any rules of interpretation and as such can not be taken to represent a body of thought about dreaming .
4 In the past this plant would only have been found on the better drained slopes leading to our moorland plateaux , but because of man 's interference in this environment , by digging drainage ditches and lowering the water table , the plant has been able to spread onto the plateaux themselves .
5 If the injuries would only have been lessened by wearing a seat belt the damages may be reduced by 15 per cent .
6 However , these thoughts would only have been thought by a Christian audience of that time .
7 If we sort of reverse things in our minds eye , and look backwards into the past history of the universe , we can come to a time where apparently all the material in the universe would have been on top of itself , that it would all have been squeezed into a point , and this moment sometimes people call the big bang , or the initial singularity .
8 A prime minister , so the argument went , who was the subject of such a massive loss of confidence among both the political élite and the public at large would swiftly have been removed from office .
9 As a child , this pride type would perhaps have been beaten in order to subject their will to the adult and break their pride , but without success .
10 He took the view that the matters raised by the counterclaim would better have been raised by judicial review .
11 The others were that there was no power conferred on the council by Parliament , that the activity would not have been engaged in by a ‘ reasonable ’ authority , and the capital markets fund , through which the transactions were undertaken , ‘ was not reasonably organised or maintained ’ .
12 Mr Hurd 's speech this week in Luxembourg , which called for the European Council ( as summits are known ) to have strong links with a reinforced WEU , would not have been made in Mrs Thatcher 's day .
13 The other seven would not have been elected without the contribution of transferred votes originally given to candidates of other parties .
14 Certainly , his intellectual position would not have been jeopardised by such an extension of his arguments .
15 He had been ill for many months and his five-year term would not have been renewed at the National People 's Congress which starts on Monday .
16 The absence of c , if accompanied by an alternative causal circumstance for e , would not have been followed by the absence of e .
17 It would not have been followed by the effect if some other event or condition had been missing . )
18 Horses would not have been lacking in the Isle of Wight .
19 This obviously is n't to say that the same response would not have been achieved with a centesimal potency , it merely demonstrates the applicability of LM 's in an acute and the simplicity of repetition .
20 If this package had had to go through national parliaments , it would not have been achieved in a hundred years ! ’
21 The central question is whether animals possess important characteristics that are not adaptive , and which therefore , by definition , would not have been shaped by natural and sexual selection .
22 If there were simply no correlation whatsoever between the electrical output of a photo-electric cell and some other measure of light intensity directly or indirectly related to experience , it would not have been accepted as a way of measuring light intensity .
23 The registration would not have been obtained by fraud .
24 The irony of this statement would not have been lost on any Ghanaian journalist working in the period under Nkrumah from 1957 to 1966 , for this was exactly what happened to Ghana 's newspapers : they became sycophantic , uncritical mouthpieces for the president and his view of that country , Africa and the world .
25 In this respect the cautionary words of Staughton LJ quoted above were never more apposite ; practices which on the old authorities would not have been regarded as part of a solicitor 's normal work may well , not least in the wake of the Financial Services Act 1986 , become commonplace .
26 However , the first segment would have given a British hearer immediate access to the contextual assumption about house-warming parties , which means that the extra processing entailed by making these assumptions explicit would not have been rewarded by any contextual effect .
27 Clinical trials are about to begin in Oxford but this stage would not have been reached without research on animals .
28 The Court then decided that the Tribunal 's decision was perverse , because there was no material from which to conclude that the hypothetical man guilty of misconduct would not have been dismissed in the same way as was S. Her appeal was dismissed and leave to appeal to the House of Lords was refused .
29 So if w = 0.5 , this year 's expected rate would be 13 per cent ; if w = 1 , this year 's expected rate would be 16 per cent ( in this case , the expectation is said to have been fully adjusted ) ; if w = 0 , the expectation would be 10 per cent ( that is , it would not have been adjusted at all ) .
30 True , it would not have been seen by people in Bristol or Birmingham but it might just have struck a chord with somebody in the area where the crime was committed .
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