Example sentences of "would [adv] [verb] to [pos pn] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In a like manner the traveller in a three-dimensional , homogeneous , isotropic , positively curved space would eventually return to his starting point .
2 A new baby would only add to her workload .
3 Luke 's age would only add to his glamour .
4 For it would encourage a reliance on schematic knowledge and a corresponding avoidance of an engagement with the systemic features of the foreign language , or at best a tactical use of them which would not lead to their internalization as a more general strategic resource .
5 I think I already knew then that I would not return to my job at the Polytechnic , for the security of that monthly cheque had lost all meaning .
6 She would not yield to his curiosity .
7 ‘ It 's not true , ’ Davide began , but words would not come to his help .
8 Any other behaviour , such as suggesting a game of cards , would surprise and confuse us , as it would not conform to our notion of the appropriate role that someone occupying the status of doctor should perform .
9 Whether or not Pluto ruled her temperament , she would not rise to his bait .
10 I tried to explain to people the real meaning of Dominion status with its opportunity of self-government within a wider membership which would always come to its support .
11 The boy had been told unequivocally not to let her off the lead — the riding-school only used the land by grace of its owner and it was a shooting estate — but he hated keeping the dog straining at the lead and knew that she would always come to his call .
12 He would also read to his wife at the end of the day — from Boswell 's Life of Johnson , from Coleridge 's Letters , from Rudyard Kipling 's Kim ( an especial favourite ) and sometimes from his own work .
13 Chairman Carlo De Benedetti told Olivetti shareholders that DEC would also subscribe to its part of a planned Olivetti capital increase ‘ entirely in shares , ’ rather than the convertible bonds option .
14 He could imagine the words in which she would later report to her husband .
15 But Balliol himself ? presumably he would now return to his army in the west .
16 He had been in the habit , as he left in the mornings , of saying , ‘ Well , I 'm off to work now , ’ until one day , shortly before she deserted , she had , at those words , slammed shut the door of the dishwasher with a crash that shattered a wine glass and shouted at him : she had inquired , without much originality , what he thought she did all day , whether he imagined that cooking and shopping and washing and minding the child was not work , whether he supposed that she would now retire to her bed and lie there sucking chocolate bars and examining her fingernails until he chose to return for dinner .
17 " Do you think those people down there are really so different from us , Momma ? " he asked , keeping his voice low so that it would n't carry to his father 's ears .
18 I would n't go to your engagement , if I were you .
19 ‘ It would n't happen to my child . ’
20 You walk in here with a bagful of goodies and that preposterously expensive bottle of wine , looking like shit would n't stick to your shoe , and want me to pretend that we 're married , we 're happy , and that it 's always happened like this .
21 If truth were told , it made her a lot more than simply afraid , but telling him that would simply add to his ammunition .
22 Incidentally it would also reduce competition from other 386 processor Manufacturers , an event that Intel would doubtless find to their liking .
23 ‘ Caroline and Fenella do n't hit it off too well , and certainly Caroline would never refer to my sister as ‘ Fen ’ .
24 The Stop Hinkley Expansion group complained to the Inspector , arguing that this was jumping the gun and a waste of public money , despite the CEGB claim that if it did n't order these parts in advance , at its own risk , it would never keep to its construction timetable .
25 In the normal run of events these would never come to my notice , but on this occasion I was going to make a plea of mitigation on his behalf and hoped that the Bench would release their prisoner into my care and he would be summarily dealt with in accordance with Air Force Law .
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