Example sentences of "would [adv] [verb] [prep] [noun sg] to " in BNC.

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1 While the exclusion does not specifically refer to damage to underground pipes or cables , the above exclusions would be deemed to refer to such circumstances and therefore cover would only operate for damage to underground pipes and services when these exclusions are deleted .
2 Unless a turnover system were to be introduced , such as the optional arrangements in Germany , the royalty would only operate in relation to works which are still in copyright works of art either produced by living artists or those who have died within the last fifty years .
3 In the past , this did not mean that we would not move from company to company , it most certainly did not mean that we ha that we thought we had a job for life , but it did mean that we expected a degree of permanence and improvement as part of the reward for our endeavours and labour .
4 With Sycorax on her back , Ariel dropped on to her haunches and took up her baby and tied him in a cloth to her breast ; she rubbed his mouth with soursop juice to keep him dry so that he would not howl with discomfort to be changed ( she packed soft moss against his bottom , just to be sure ) ; then she took a basket of her herbs and preparations and whistled softly to Paca , the last of her caveys , to follow .
5 He would usually appear in answer to the signal within a few minutes , for each sereno has a certain section to patrol .
6 After an argument about politics and poetics on the verandah of the Norfolk Hotel , I would often go with Jenni to the movies .
7 Eventually , they would even turn for expression to European artistic forms like the novel , or abstract painting .
8 The mirror would then rotate in proportion to the strength of the current .
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