Example sentences of "will [not/n't] [verb] for the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ If you persist in clinging to me in that limpet-like way , Caroline , I will not answer for the consequences … ’
2 The Official Secrets Act remains substantially intact , but it now has to be read with the additional defences available under the new legislation , happily with a pendant attached deriving from the Aitken case that juries will not stand for the use of oppressive legislation in cases of mild divulgence , and confidentiality has been confirmed as being available where secret information is breached without official justification .
3 They are undoubtedly right that it has now become clear that the Government will not pay for the expansion it desires at a level which will protect high quality .
4 This clause makes clear that we will not pay for the cost of replacing any undamaged item or parts of items forming part of a set or suite when damage occurs within a clearly identifiable area or to a specific part .
5 You 're not on , we will not be made the scapegoats , with public sector workers will not pay for the Tories ' mismanagement of the economy .
6 The small Democratic Party , Solidarity 's coalition , has already said it will not vote for the indexation plan .
7 John Breaux , a Louisiana senator who also sits on the Finance Committee , is too close to the president and the treasury secretary , Lloyd Bentsen , to be as outspoken as Mr Boren , but he will not vote for the BTU tax as it stands , and prefers a straightforward petrol tax .
8 It says it will not apply for the label for its hairspray because the standards would allow virtually any manufacturer to claim environmental virtue .
9 Here 's a form of declaration by a spouse or any other person who may have an interest for which , acting for a buyer , you are entitled to ask : I hereby undertake that in consideration of your entering into an agreement to purchase the above property any interest which I may have or acquire therein shall be deferred to any interest of you or any mortgagee or chargee and that I will not apply for the registration of any land charge , caution , notice or restriction in respect thereof .
10 These examples suggest that de-centralisation in itself will not substitute for the market 's rewards and penalties , or for genuine consumer sovereignty .
11 On the roll of a 1 or 2 the staff has run out of energy and will not work for the remainder of the battle .
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