Example sentences of "will [vb infin] [pron] [adv] [to-vb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I will show you how to set the places , and to begin with , this morning , perhaps you will serve only water .
2 ‘ Now dear , we do n't have a gaff or net , so I will show you how to tail a salmon , ’ he said , unctuously .
3 ( Your district or London borough council will tell you where to contact the registration officer . )
4 ( ALL includes hidden files , damaged files , in fact it will make a clone copy of the disk ) To use DISKCOPY simply place the Source disk in ( for example ) drive A : and the Destination disk in drive B : and type DISKCOPY A : B : If you only have one drive ( drive A : ) then type DISKCOPY A : A : and watch the screen for directions , as it will tell you when to swap the Source disk over for the Destination and vice versa .
5 Christine France will tell you how to cook a different seasonal dish based on the freshest produce available .
6 Cookery expert Christine France will tell you how to prepare a different seasonal dish based on the freshest produce available each week .
7 I do n't know what you 're going to stand the tank on , but I will tell you how to produce a good-looking low cost hood .
8 Such an extension will not invalidate the special theory but will fill it out to meet the requirements of wider applicability .
9 Of course I accept that ruling entirely Mr Deputy Speaker but the point I was trying to make , I am going to give the speech very briefly indeed I do assure you , is that if you 're trying to assess the numbers er and the correctness of the numbers that are being er er going to vote for and indeed the boundaries associated with those numbers , it 's a perfectly I would have thought , fair question to ask oneself as they go off er from us as to what they are going off in to er and I I do assure you Mr Deputy Speake , I do n't plan to speak more than two minutes , two to three minutes on this matter , I do hope that you will allow me just to make a very brief point on this .
10 Although there will always be enthusiastic individuals who will teach themselves how to use a microcomputer , any concerted and coordinated attempt to develop effective use of the microcomputer in school libraries will depend heavily on an effective in-service training programme .
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