Example sentences of "will [adv] [verb] [prep] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 A homogeneous population will eventually grow at a steady rate r , which is given by the Euler-Lotka equation , In an asexual population , or a population of sexually reproducing haploids that vary only at a single locus , the outcome of natural selection depends simply on the long-term growth rates associated with each genotype , in the absence of density- or frequency-dependent interactions , each genotype will eventually grow exponentially at a rate that depends on its own life history , given by equation ( 1 ) .
2 However , one still feels that the processes of preparation within the schools and youth theatre groups are the most valuable learning areas , yet , these areas must be heightened by the youngsters ' realisation that they will eventually perform in a well-equipped , professional space .
3 The culprit is the G string slot , which has been cut away at too sharp an angle , leaving the string supported on a tiny knife-edge ; this slot will wear much faster than the others , which will eventually call for a premature nut replacement , or at least some fancy manoeuvring with superglue and baking soda .
4 Each is a Ring of Protection , and each of which will only function as a magical ring if it can be separated from the others .
5 First , the very fact that this standard of review is so limited means that it will only serve as a long stop to catch extreme examples of aberrant administrative behaviour .
6 Argument will only grow in a large organization if it is actually encouraged , and if the example is given from the top with courteous listening and praise for differences of view .
7 With a very shallow L curve ( as in Figure 18.3 ) , a rise in money supply from M to M' will only lead to a small fall in the rate of interest from r 1 to r 2 .
8 The animal half , if isolated , will only develop into a simple hollow sphere .
9 The females can literally smell success , and will only mate with a victorious male .
10 A similar exercise which will only work with a low handicap golfer is one of trying to stay back on the right side a little longer , and to be slightly flat-footed with the right foot through impact .
11 Similarly , if non-bile components of duodenogastric reflux are responsible for adduction , then measurementof intragastric bile will only act as a crude marker for reflux and not reflect the true carcinogenic potential of the gastric juice .
12 That will not happen immediately or alternatively it will only happen for a short period of time .
13 The river rushes over rocks and boulders ; it will suddenly empty into a beautiful serene lake , tumble over rapids and waterfalls , meet impassable dams and at each bend of the river you will see different terrain and totally different conditions .
14 We have , of course , stressed to our friends in the Baltic states that their membership of the CSCE — Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe — process and their aspirations to join the Council of Europe will naturally depend to a great extent upon their ability to meet international standards in such matters .
15 They will rightly look to a Labour Government who will not look at the matter in the narrow economic calculus that we have heard from Conservative Members but will recognise that , unless we are prepared to accept the role of women in the labour force , we will fail as an economy to receive and achieve our full potential .
16 This environment will apparently appear in a future version of SCO Unix , however , it was unclear at press time whether that software would be SVR4 .
17 Actually it is wrong to think that your present diet will necessarily lead to a long and productive life .
18 Any such attempt will necessarily result in a segmented Community with some countries further progressing towards integration while others become satellite economies .
19 Such deliberations on subject scope will normally lead to a preliminary list of significant ( especially the more general ) terms , with these terms collected into groups that reflect the relationships between them .
20 It is expected that assignments to the headship will normally occur on a five-year cycle , with the existing head eligible to be redesignated .
21 Andrew and Wendy plan to work with drug addicts in Hong Kong and they will soon embark on a two-month trial period .
22 Take a Dominican anole from the south ( left ) , move it to the north , and chances are it will soon turn into a genuine northerner ( below ) .
23 Feynman 's approach gives a particularly simple way of understanding how that neat classical picture will nevertheless emerge as a limiting case for " large " systems , that is for systems whose action is very big on the scale set by h .
24 I hope the current wage negotiations will shortly come to a satisfactory conclusion , ’ said Hartington , adding a warning to owners that they must expect higher training fees to permit lads to be properly paid .
25 I hope the current wage negotiations will shortly come to a satisfactory conclusion , ’ said Hartington , adding a warning to owners that they must expect higher training fees to permit lads to be properly paid .
26 The poor astronaut who falls into a black hole will still come to a sticky end ; only if he lived in imaginary time would he encounter no singularities .
27 Nonetheless it said that a relatively small licence ( for the code to be implemented for a single architecture , for example ) will still come to a six-figure dollar sum .
28 There are eight options on the colour pattern menu and , as with the shaping section , selecting any of these will usually lead to a sub menu .
29 The class of shares in respect of which employees and directors are granted options will usually provide for a mandatory sale upon cessation of employment , which strictly amounts to a uniform restriction across the whole of that class of shares .
30 By virtue of the doctrine of privity of estate the assignee will be liable to the landlord only for breaches of covenant occurring while the lease is vested in it , and that is why a landlord will usually insist upon a direct covenant from the assignee to observe and perform the provisions of the lease during the residue of the term , as in clause 5.9.4 .
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