Example sentences of "will [adv] [verb] [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 These are the very people who will most benefit from the proposed changes .
2 That part of you is very cunning and it will slowly fight with the other part that yearns for freedom and true strength .
3 He 's a natural ball player with an exciting turn of pace , and Ballymena will gladly benefit from the former Coleraine Institution star , whose now preferred position is in the centre .
4 We are onluy too pleased to respect such wishes whenever possible , and will gladly advise on the best way of wording a Will to ensure that the bequest is used for
5 The Prime Minister may have complained that under former management the poll tax was bounced through , but he will gladly ram through the new poll tax .
6 The rapid-growth progressive phase , characterised by conversion growth and a high loss rate due to instability and immaturity , will eventually settle in the marginal phase , in which the institution is maintained by a high level of biological growth and a lessening appeal to non-members .
7 The path which you can see being drawn will eventually go behind the big trees , using the bottom button of the path selection bar .
8 If , however , the market demands this type of product , then someone must supply it and it is better the consumer buys a product made from organic ingredients in the hope that they will eventually progress onto the unadulterated whole milk yoghurt .
9 A homogeneous population will eventually grow at a steady rate r , which is given by the Euler-Lotka equation , In an asexual population , or a population of sexually reproducing haploids that vary only at a single locus , the outcome of natural selection depends simply on the long-term growth rates associated with each genotype , in the absence of density- or frequency-dependent interactions , each genotype will eventually grow exponentially at a rate that depends on its own life history , given by equation ( 1 ) .
10 However , one still feels that the processes of preparation within the schools and youth theatre groups are the most valuable learning areas , yet , these areas must be heightened by the youngsters ' realisation that they will eventually perform in a well-equipped , professional space .
11 Dozens of people with rucksacks glare back at them from the platform as they wait for their substandard ‘ Sprinter ’ to turn up ; wet , cold and miserable perhaps , but at least secure in the knowledge that they will eventually travel through the same scenery without parting with their life savings .
12 Society reaps a benefit because the invention will eventually fall into the public domain and because , in the meantime , commercial enterprise is stimulated .
13 What environmentalists are concerned about is the fear that in spite of a clay lining — dangerous waste from the site will eventually leak through the porous chalk below and into the groundwater — though that may not be for another fifty years .
14 The culprit is the G string slot , which has been cut away at too sharp an angle , leaving the string supported on a tiny knife-edge ; this slot will wear much faster than the others , which will eventually call for a premature nut replacement , or at least some fancy manoeuvring with superglue and baking soda .
15 The facilities available in each division will obviously depend on the particular system , but a fairly common division would be as follows .
16 It may , however , be possible for a plaintiff to achieve the desired result by making a concurrent application for a similar order in the courts of the relevant foreign country , though the availability of such orders will obviously depend upon the local law .
17 So I think there is a need to plan for a location where this new settlement is going to be successful , recognizing that failure to attract appropriate er private sector interest will mean poor quality design and social provision which will obviously detract from the new settlement as a place to live and also undermine its role in terms of the Greater York area .
18 Each is a Ring of Protection , and each of which will only function as a magical ring if it can be separated from the others .
19 First , the very fact that this standard of review is so limited means that it will only serve as a long stop to catch extreme examples of aberrant administrative behaviour .
20 These will only appear after the final moult , except in damsel flies which take two moults , one very soon after the other , to bring their wings to perfection .
21 Its message was that wars occur through misunderstanding , ignorance , and foolishness , all preventable if leaders and citizens will only reflect on the likely unintended consequences of their actions .
22 Suppose , for example , that risk-averse traders will only trade in the future spot market if the terms being offered there are sufficiently attractive to compensate for the extra risks incurred in delay .
23 Argument will only grow in a large organization if it is actually encouraged , and if the example is given from the top with courteous listening and praise for differences of view .
24 This will only go to the small segment mailed in October .
25 But there is little doubt in my mind that the future will only go to the large company if that large company is really able to release the energies and the synergies that ought to be a part of the grand design and make more than the sum of the parts .
26 With a very shallow L curve ( as in Figure 18.3 ) , a rise in money supply from M to M' will only lead to a small fall in the rate of interest from r 1 to r 2 .
27 This however , will only lead to an inefficient facility in the long run .
28 Pabulum Consultants ' Jennifer Rust comments : ‘ Many companies will only invest in the minimum training required to get the system up and running ; it is not surprising in these cases that the systems are not being used to their full potential .
29 Despite a growing world market , competition remains fierce and will only intensify in the short term as new malting capacity is commissioned in numerous countries .
30 As a rule of thumb , moving a nearly new greenhouse will only cost about the same as it would to have it erected in the first place .
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