Example sentences of "will [verb] [pers pn] [adj] [noun] for " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The Führer intends to meet with Field Marshal Rommel personally , to confirm his appointment as Commander of Army Group B. This will give him direct responsibility for the Atlantic Wall defences .
2 The solicitor said of the award : ‘ It 's a reasonable figure which will give him satisfactory compensation for a very serious road accident . ’
3 So simply by carrying on your premium payments at the same level , the DOUBLE PAYOUT PLAN will give you continuing protection for the rest of your life .
4 Very often people will give you invalid excuses for not doing what you want , e.g. ‘ You ca n't bring this back today because the sell by date is Tuesday . ’
5 Two thousand points is the usual size for battles that will last an entire evening , and three thousand points will give you enough troops for a battle that will take most of a day to fight .
6 Two thousand points is the usual size for battles that will last an entire evening , and three thousand points will give you enough troops for a battle that will take the best part of a day to fight .
7 Two thousand points is the usual size for a good evening 's battle , and three thousand points will give you enough troops for a battle that will take the best part of a day to fight .
8 ‘ And if ye will not for all this hearken unto me , but walk contrary unto me , ’ he read out , ‘ then will I walk contrary unto you also in fury ; and I , even I , will chastise you seven times for your sins .
9 Yes , er er I mean I agree with you Chairman entirely , I mean the arguments have been made before and I will just say them again , that I think the District Council are quite remiss er in asking for this sum of money , particularly in view of the reason that the , the , the field is there , which is for the recreation of the people who live in the estate , and the back end of Southwell , and it always has been , er and that is a responsibility that has been taken on by this Parish Council , and if , if , if they feel that they , they wish to persist in asking an unreasonable price , and let's face it , the District Council is in a position to look at this situation and say , the Parish Council is doing an excellent job , we will sell them this land for a figure that they can afford .
10 " Re U 128 — representatives this Headquarters will arrive yours 25 May for discussion policy on lines suggested as follows :
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