Example sentences of "will [verb] [pron] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It should be noted that if any of these ineffective exclusion clauses are included in an advertisement , the trader responsible will expose himself to the risk of proceedings against him under the Control of Misleading Advertisements Regulations 1988 ( see paragraph 16 — 37 , below ) .
2 A glance at the route followed will prove that this is not a guide-book , and a glance at the contents will expose me to the scorn of local patriots who will see , with incredulous rage , that on many an occasion I passed silently through their favourite village .
3 This state of mind will transmit itself into the drawing and so give it life .
4 This state of mind will transmit itself into the drawing and so give it life .
5 Cos you will throw them at the back of the box instead of lining them up .
6 A giant catapult will throw us to the mainland . ’
7 Compaq area sales manager Bernard Schaffer commented ‘ We have some flexibility , but we ca n't change the world , ’ adding ‘ the government is definitely under pressure , but the rules will hurt everybody in the market and finally they will hurt Slovakia . ’
8 If your baggage is temporarily lost for longer than 12 hours on the outward journey we will compensate you for the emergency purchase of essential items up to a total of £100 .
9 So , ’ he continued , ‘ if you had a tall skyscraper , say , with people living at the top , they will think everything at the bottom has shrunk — been squashed down — compared to normal . ’
11 They will influence me for the rest of my days .
12 Two teenagers have chosen to bed down for the night in a freezer as part of their training for an expedition to the Artic Circle , They hope that a good night of shivering in sub-zero temperatures will prepare them for the trip .
13 You see I would like to see people at the end of this programme to have some idea , not just of fancy figures in the air , but of practical effects that will affect them on the ground .
14 But tonight on the Gerry Anderson television show will make it worth the wait .
15 They can make their bourgeois war themselves , but they will make it without the workers . ’
16 This morning , 104 headed for home and only 3 other Central South crews will make it to the finish .
17 Some will make it to the market , others just fade away into their particular niche .
18 It is this particular scene which will make anyone over the age of 15 want to smack the world 's biggest superstar very hard indeed .
19 Membership of the Campaign will pitch you into the heart of the battle to preserve British beer .
20 A jumpship will convey you to the home-base of the Imperial Fists . ’
21 For the soul does not easily yield to those who will steal it for the purposes of evil …
22 The Index at the back of the book will direct you to the details , but if you are only aware of a symptom , this checklist may help you to diagnose the plumbing problem .
23 There you will meet a man who will brief you on the details of when and where the operation will take place .
24 ‘ And now I 'll hand you over to Vincent , who will brief you from the Intelligence angle .
25 That means you fly to Leningrad and stick around for orders from someone who will introduce himself with the words , ‘ The face of the city has changed . ’
26 You will be accompanied by our expert guide Mario Baiocchi who will introduce you to the history , sights and culture of the regions you visit .
27 Walter Kent , the American composer of The White Cliffs of Dover , visited the town for the first time yesterday and presented an original of the song manuscript to the district council , which will display it in the £14m ‘ White Cliffs Experience ’ due to open in 1991 .
28 He will photograph me on the horse and I will have it to keep .
29 Electoral law does not forbid him from describing himself as Conservative but his rival , Mr Gerry Malone , will describe himself on the ballot paper as The Conservative Party Candidate .
30 More than seventy-five years later , we are still working out their implications and trying to combine them in a unified theory that will describe everything in the universe .
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