Example sentences of "will [verb] [verb] at [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Nevertheless , clauses 9.1 and 9.2 are dangerous as a tenant will prefer to know at the outset whether any defects affect the premises and the tenant 's solicitor should amend them as follows :
2 High-level waste will remain stored at the surface for at least 90 years .
3 ‘ If such plans develop , we will need to look at the company 's existing share structure and a 1-for-1 capitalisation issue would seem appropriate . ’
4 You 'll find specimens of most of the kind of letters you will need to write at every stage of a simple conveyancing matter in Appendix II .
5 If you fit it , the sump will need cutting at the front and deepening at the rear to maintain capacity .
6 Police believe she will need to stay at the hospital for at least another week .
7 Middlesbrough Council 's assistant chief environmental health officer David Rigby explained : ‘ The audit will include looking at the waste produced by companies and what they do with it , the raw materials used , energy costs and the whole effect of the process . ’
8 The client , it is hoped , will feel reassured at the end of the assessment interview .
9 Mark Benson won the toss for Kent and , as is customary these days , put Hampshire in But 11 o'clock on a July morning is very different from 10.30am in September and , while it was cloudy , there was nothing like the assistance the bowlers will expect to find at the start of the NatWest Trophy final later in the year .
10 Ah so we will see See at the end of three months treatment they 'll s They wo n't look enormously different .
11 ANYONE who has watched Carol Vorderman on the quiz show Countdown will have marvelled at the speed of her mathematical brain .
12 Second , executive power will have grown at the expense of parliamentary power .
13 In the society they inhabit they will have to choose at the university level between physics and hi-tech ; philosophy and literature may be pursued only as hobbies .
14 their demand for control can not be restricted to one of self-government within the enterprise , but it will have to aim at the development of a complex institutional system that will be able to strike a balance between the need for worker autonomy within the enterprise on the one hand , and the need for economic co-ordination at higher economic levels on the other .
15 The harder we work , the more our lads will have to throw at the bastards . ’
16 I think it 's quite legitimate for this Committee to take that twenty thousand because it 's there , and to say to itself , post budget we will have to look at the whole of the areas covered by budget protection to find the replicated twenty thousands in future years , and not just expect it to come from registration .
17 Mr Kneeshaw said : ‘ We will have to look at the offer along with the rugby club because the offer was made to joint clubs but we are firmly against a buy-out . ’
18 Now erm we will have to look at the situation with regard to the er all the other ones and we 'll do an analysis , what are the volumes and so on and what other what other popular metric bearings
19 I understand that of the 24 nations scheduled to take part 20 have already been nominated and four will have to qualify at the Catania tournament in Sicily this April .
20 I understand that of the 24 nations scheduled to take part 20 have already been nominated and four will have to qualify at the Catania tournament in Sicily this April .
21 Her mode of transport means she will arrive drenched at the door of a farmhouse to beg shelter and ask leave to dry herself by the fire .
22 The Michael Stoute-trained colt , who will retire to stud at the end of the season , is likely to be joined by Dick Hern 's improving colt Gold Seam in the seven-furlong event .
23 Classical conditioning principles suggest , what is indeed the case , that the bird will come to peck at the lit key .
24 Plaque is a thin , sticky bacterial coating on the teeth which , if not brushed off thoroughly , will continue to thicken at the gum margin ( the area between the gum and the tooth ) .
25 If b 1.8 , a 2x2 or larger cluster of D will continue to grow at the corners ( although not necessarily along the edges , for large squares ) ; for b 1.8 , big D clusters shrink .
26 The Minister should tell the House that he is prepared to go to the Treasury and argue not just for increases that provide price protection , but that he will start to look at the experience of those in the bottom two fifths of the pensioner population and make arrangements to do something significantly better for them .
27 In Eternity , like the madman in the story who got rid of his devils when they were driven out of him and into the swine , Russia will sit healed at the feet of Jesus .
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