Example sentences of "will [verb] [verb] [pers pn] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 If your college is not yet involved in the programme you can write to us for an application form at the address given below and we will endeavour to link you into a college undertaking the programme .
2 This is your day and we will endeavour to organise it in a way that reflects your needs and requirements .
3 If the children are unused to the teacher taking on a role , however , they will want to push you into an authority role .
4 So , if the RC is between 0° and 090° you will want to move it to the Right ( clockwise ) to get it onto 090° .
5 I do n't suppose Father Courtney will want to expose you to the temptations of the World and the Flesh a day longer than necessary . ’
6 She appealed unashamedly to her English readers for money for the foreign artists : ‘ If anyone likes to send some money , I will promise to dispense it with the most rigid favouritism towards people who would probably sooner beg than risk the jaundice of a free meal and would sooner have a note of twenty francs all at once than beg every day . ’
7 However , I will seek to set them in the wider context of the Government 's commitment and programme for the computerisation of general practice .
8 I hope that he learns them well , because he will need to deploy them for a long time .
9 I refer to your letter of 30 October 1992 but will need to direct you to the District Council Planning Department for much of the information that you seek .
10 If Dr Shakell Qureshi and Professor Michael Tynan discover her artery is too narrow , they will attempt to widen it with the metal tubes which will allow the blood to flow more easily into her lungs .
11 Your officers has members from all over the country will try to apply a broad view but there are changes that will be necessary but they will attempt to do them in the most sympathetic and most broadly based way .
12 Erm , and we 've had , I 'm afraid to give protective notice to six members of staff , it 's about er , discussions with the erm , Tech , are not successful , then they will have to leave us at the end of this programme year , which is the thirty-first of March .
13 By the end of the interview she will have plaited it into a handy living-room rug , but for now Susanna wants to talk about her NME photo session .
14 Jackie will have to put hers in the er over the radiators did n't she Claire ?
15 ‘ And when I make it to the charts , then I 'll have to admit that I will have owed it to the world 's greatest entertainer ever — Elvis the King of Rock . ’
16 Even then our marker point will have preserved for us a stability in stratigraphical nomenclature and will have saved us from the utterly wasteful vacillations in opinion and fashion that trouble us today .
17 Very often the examiner will have worded it in a particular way in order to enable you to show a little originality of treatment .
18 Frequently , all that they will have to guide them through the recommendations of officials will be their own political common sense ; this may well be adequate for a strong minister , but others may find it hard to change the bureaucracy 's course .
19 Love will have raised him to a place far above human strife .
20 Old people in particular often ensure each night before they go to bed that their house is tidy and their last instructions are by their bed in case they should die in the night and someone will have to find them in the morning .
21 To have any chance of raising the fry to a reasonable size , you will have to transfer them to a separate aquarium .
22 If you want to enter the current date you can use @NOW but to fix this date ( so that it does not change to the current date next time you load the spreadsheet you will have to convert it to a value .
23 ‘ Ling will have to help me with the barbecue .
24 If I get 100 's of replies I will have to send them to the list anyway .
25 When er I I John I hope will have told you on the phone that you have no responsibility for setting the assignments .
26 In telling you how it works we will have told you about the basic peculiarities of all quantum mechanics .
27 ‘ They will try to shoot us in the light from the door . ’
28 As an example of what is meant by ‘ assignment ’ , we might say that a botanist who discovers an unusual plant will try to assign it to a known species ; if this is found impossible , it will be decided that a new species has been discovered , and that future examples of this plant will be assigned to this new species .
29 CICS for OS/2 is not the only ‘ middleware ’ that IBM was touting at the end of March ; the company continued the theme by unveiling the first implementations of its Message Queue Interface , dubbed the MQSeries , and said that it will try to promote them as a cross-system standard .
30 Johanna Carrie and Christina McInally will try to involve you in the traumas of turning research results into a coherent report that people might want to read .
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