Example sentences of "would not [verb] [pron] [noun sg] to " in BNC.

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1 On security issues , Solomon reassured the leaders that the US would not abandon its commitment to a strong regional presence .
2 Franco was quick to exploit the lack of unity in Allied attitudes to Spain , accusing the United States of intransigence and ingratitude and stating defiantly that Spain would not curtail its aid to Germany under Allied duress .
3 And he made clear that even if British Coal decided against a reprieve the Government would not block its sale to a private company .
4 In December 1977 the Headmistress of St Anselm 's School in Canterbury , one of Britain 's leading Roman Catholic Comprehensives , allowed a teacher who was a National Front candidate to continue in her post alter she had promised that her National Front views would not affect her treatment to black pupils .
5 These rights of control over one 's own possessions are valued rights — we would not want our shirt to be stolen , torn , or dyed by someone else — but this all-embracing idea of ‘ property rights ’ conceals a crucial difference between different forms of property .
6 On Dec. 4 Koirala had been quoted in Katmandu as saying that Nepal would not allow its territory to be used as bases by activists from the Indian states of Punjab , Kashmir and Assam .
7 Hezb-i-Islami had previously had the backing of Pakistan and had bases inside that country , but on Aug. 13 , in an unprecedented statement , Pakistan 's Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif had obliquely attacked Hekmatyar , stating that " Pakistan would not allow its territory to be used by unscrupulous elements engaged in undermining the territorial integrity of Afghanistan " .
8 I judged our Swiss hosts to be sincere in saying that their latest equipment would be offered on a preferential basis to NATO and other friendly countries , and that it would not find its way to Argentina .
9 In March 1931 , Sir john Simon spoke of socialism as ‘ a poisonous doctrine ’ and declared that he would not close his mind to tariffs as a method of dealing with the economic crisis .
10 It was not long , you will recall , since Ian Botham was remarking that he would not take his mother-in-law to Pakistan .
11 India , which had removed the final contingent of Indian Peace-Keeping Force ( IPKF ) troops from Sri Lanka in March 1990 [ see p. 37316 ] , expressed concern for the plight of Tamil civilians but made it clear that it would not permit its territory to be used to support militant activity .
12 He would not report her fate to the Police , and he could divert enquiries by saying that she had gone to friends in the country .
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