Example sentences of "would be give to the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Responsibility for the Sex Discrimination Act , the Equal Pay Act and the Equal Opportunities Commission would be given to the Women 's Ministry .
2 More brilliance still would be given to the tune if the trumpets doubled the trombone at the octave above .
3 Seth promised that the casket would be given to the person who fitted inside it perfectly .
4 Putting to one side the other inequities associated with such a system should it be introduced , I hope due consideration would be given to the problems of the disabled .
5 Credibility would be given to the shop steward 's story by having his lunch box placed in an unauthorised position on the assembly track from which the foreman would have to remove it , and be seen doing so .
6 Priority would be given to the needs of Ethiopian and Somali refugees .
7 It would be reasonable to assume , therefore , that particular attention would be given to the incorporation of such knowledge in the development of handwriting recognition systems .
8 If not enough for all , it would be given to the children first .
9 However , the Capital Taxes Office is likely to raise the following " standard " question : what discussions took place between the parties at or before the time of the deed of variation about how the assets which went to the spouse under the deed of variation were to be dealt with by the surviving spouse , ie was there some sort of plan or understanding that the property would be given to the children ?
10 Similar consideration would be given to the housing proposal .
11 Priority in development spending would be given to the health services , with the aim of achieving an equitable distribution of facilities throughout the country .
12 In the Offer for Sale document published at the time of the Company 's flotation in 1986 , it was stated that in due course consideration would be given to the introduction of a Share Option Scheme for Executive Directors and senior management but that no such scheme would be operated without the prior approval of shareholders and in any event not before 1988 at the earliest .
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