Example sentences of "would be [vb pp] at the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Following legal completion many aspects of the exercise would be repeated at the detailed design stage or when finalising sale prices .
2 In Victoria the opinion polls suggested that the ALP would be defeated at the next election .
3 At any moment hell would break loose , and poor Morris ( my Dad ) would be battered at the first onslaught .
4 Under the plan some 50 missiles would be transferred from the launch silos in Wyoming ( the seventh designated MX location ) to 25 new trains , which would be kept at the seven bases for deployment on the public rail system in time of crisis .
5 The dependency should be taken on the basis that the wife would be maintained at the same rate of expenditure throughout her life .
6 If quality could be improved , customers would be happy and costs would be cut at the same time .
7 The plenum , which was described as " stormy " , decided that a formal CPSU stance on the question of CPL independence would be adopted at the next central committee plenum ( scheduled for late January but subsequently deferred until February ) , to be based on assessments made as a result of Gorbachev 's visit to Lithuania .
8 The idea is that anyone bringing a pensioner ( or indeed a minor ) would be admitted at the concessionary rate .
9 Mr Burr said the rump of the shares on offer would be aimed at the 11,000 members of the club as Stock Exchange rules did not allow shares to be allotted to them directly .
10 Elections to the Slovak and Czech National Councils would be held at the same time .
11 Spending would be frozen at the current level of BF99,000 million ( about US$3,240 million ) until 1995 .
12 The paper reported the station would be axed at the annual meeting of BBC governors on May 20 , following criticisms in the recently leaked internal report , which criticised Radio 5 for low listenership figures and duplicating services .
13 The agents , who were sentenced to 10 years ' imprisonment for sinking the Greenpeace vessel Rainbow Warrior and killing one of its crew in Auckland harbour in 1985 , were released into French custody in return for $7,000,000 in compensation and a guarantee that they would be confined at the French military base on Hao atoll for three years .
14 As I explained at our meeting , your request would be considered at the annual Management Committee meeting for the Nature Reserve .
15 In November 1988 a set of ‘ Theses ’ on the national question was issued by the Central Committee with a view to clarifying the issues that would be discussed at the forthcoming plenum .
16 It appeared that the extraction could still be used and would be bought at the same price for compounding into cattle food , but not for compounding into poultry food .
17 It was also agreed that the treaty would be signed at the next superpower summit , which was due to be held either late in 1990 or early in 1991 .
18 Reports now suggested that a ceasefire agreement would be signed at the next round of talks , expected to take place before the end of 1990 [ for fourth session , in September 1990 , see p. 37702 ] .
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