Example sentences of "would be [vb pp] [verb] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 If all diabetics were cared for solely by the hospital , then diabetic clinics would be overloaded leading to difficulties maintaining standards , and the expertise and interest in the community would probably decline .
2 Prime Minister Brian Mulroney of Canada announced that Canadian development aid would be tied to progress on democratization and respect for human rights .
3 To medieval man it meant a process reserved for the preservation of the corpses of the important , so that they might sleep uncorrupted in their tombs until the Last Day , when body and soul would be reunited to appear before God for His judgement .
4 Its two most recent decisions on the Government 's power to restrain publications by former Crown servants — Spycatcher and the Cavendish Memoirs — were marked by references to the Convention and by an obvious desire manifested by most of the judges to ensure that both the law they were declaring and the decision they were taking in accordance with it would be seen to comply with Article 10 .
5 It should be borne in mind that the company would be assessed to tax by reference to its accounting period ending on normal incorporation tax principles and not on a preceding year basis .
6 This rather authoritarian form of elitism was usually defended by an appeal to the ‘ sensitive ’ or ‘ discriminating ’ reader ; anyone who read closely and intelligently enough would be bound to agree with Leavis 's judgement .
7 According to his calculations such theories would be bound to disagree with quantum mechanics in some of its experimentally verified predictions .
8 Clearly the auction house feels that in the light of new revelations about the treasure 's origins , its manner of acquisition and details of falsified export licenses , any attempt to offer it at auction would be bound to result in failure and would not redound to the auction house 's credit .
9 The exercise was regarded by the then minister for health in Scotland , Michael Forsyth , as a piece of ‘ action ’ research , the results of which would be made known at intervals during the evaluation .
10 Of course , this would be kept hidden under waste material .
11 He also confirmed that France , which left NATO 's military structure in 1966 [ see pp. 21605-10 ] , would be invited to participate in plans to set up multinational units .
12 Farmers would be invited to enter into contracts for low nitrogen fanning .
13 In the British context , Wenger ( 1984 ) found that married people were most likely to name a spouse as the person in whom they could most easily confide ; people who had never been married were most likely to name a brother or sister ; widows were most likely to name a child ; and in general , the likelihood that a child would be named increased with age .
14 After a few months the Girls would be sent to perform in casinos , mainly dotted round the south of France and Monte Carlo .
15 On May 11 it had been announced that a US task force including helicopters , amphibious landing ships and construction workers would be sent to help with disaster relief operations .
16 The Southern Slavs argued for ‘ personal cultural autonomy ’ — that is , the inhabitants of the empire would be grouped according to culture ( regardless of where they lived ) , and their cultural-educational affairs directed by an elected national council .
17 Exports would have to continue to increase , with further foreign aid and investment to provide foreign exchange , while measures would be needed to cope with India 's debt ( the fourth largest total debt in the developing world ) and budget deficit .
18 Mr Altman has worked out what yield spreads above those on Treasuries would be needed to compensate for default rates at current levels .
19 All 27,000 dismissed and striking workers would be permitted to return to employment in the same job and at the same grade and wage as at the beginning of the strike , provided that they returned to work in the period from Jan. 31 to Feb. 6 .
20 It also suggested that he would be permitted to remain as leader until the completion of his first term in October 1991 , and would possibly achieve a second two-year term .
21 Henceforth , no Legco member , either appointed or elected , would be permitted to sit on Exco , the body which served as a quasi-Cabinet .
22 The hon. Member for Barrow and Furness did not answer my question about what would be left to build in Barrow if the fourth Trident submarine were taken away .
23 In return he would be allowed to continue in office , with his term not due to expire until 1996 .
24 Making clear the role of the armed forces in keeping cicil order when necessary , however , the statement said that the armed forces would " under no circumstances allow intranational armed clashes " to develop in Yugoslavia , and that no inter-republican dispute would be allowed to escalate into violence .
25 Students without that background should apply directly to the Scottish Doctoral Programme at Glasgow where , on successful completion of the one-year MSc , they would be allowed to progress to PhD research at Edinburgh .
26 The scenario at this stage was that Friern would be allowed to die with dignity à la Powick , once the catchment district services were sufficiently strengthened to provide for all new patients .
27 For example she would be allowed to speak to Prince Charles on the telephone if she put on two pounds .
28 On the last day the instructor held a test , and like the others Tim passed , but he felt that they all would have passed anyway , that the man was there to sell the machine and that no one would be allowed to fail in case they did n't recommend it .
29 Only Turkmen citizens would be allowed to work in state enterprises , and Russian would no longer be the official language for inter-ethnic communication .
30 People holding political office would not be eligible , but political parties would be allowed to campaign for candidates .
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