Example sentences of "would be [vb pp] [prep] [det] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I was especially conscious that any resistance there may be on the part of Mrs Clements , or the two girls , to the taking on of duties beyond their traditional boundaries would be compounded by any notion that their workloads had greatly increased .
2 It remains to be seen whether the changes were that dramatic , but the new dispensation was certainly to mean that sociological themes and realism generally would be handled with more care .
3 BSL would be enhanced by this recognition and use .
4 Soon the drawings of people with hunched shoulders , their heads bowed , would be filled with this drama .
5 Varieties and eventually species would be formed despite any tendency for interbreeding with the main body of the population in the centre .
6 Not much would be served at this stage by ousting Sir Derek Alun-Jones as chairman , as some shareholders would like .
7 Cleaning staff would be employed for that site only , and usually on a full time basis , working to extremely rigorous standards .
8 There would be a fierce struggle , resulting in the Reds being bundled out of the building , whereupon the same tactics would be employed in another part of the building .
9 He calculated that the Viet Minh would be destroyed in any attempt to capture his position .
10 The Spanish were sometimes justified in thinking that a pirate base was precisely what English companies had in mind ; in the 1630s the providence Island Company was set up by determined Protestants who thought that plundering Catholic ships would be rewarded in this world and the next , though other Englishmen , who settled informally on the east coast of central America , were concerned with felling trees and exporting logwood as a dye-stuff .
11 The list shows how easy it was at the time ( 1860 ) to raise money for a line intended to run from Craven Arms to Montgomery , and what a number of persons , sufficiently well-disposed to the district to advance such large sums would be deprived of all chance of recouping themselves by completing the line , if the policy of closing it was adopted .
12 ‘ There was an implied term in the contract of service that the employer would comply with ( the law ) from which it would follow that the servant would be indemnified for any damage caused by his negligence . ’
13 They know that the greatest damage would be done to this economy by raising taxes , by imposing a minimum wage and by restoring artificial trade union powers .
14 By the middle of January 1937 , he had spoken to Mairet , and he gave the impression that anything he might write about the crisis in the New English Weekly would be done with some reluctance , not least because he was extremely busy .
15 Their grants would be reinstated from that date and they will obviously graduate at the end of the appropriate term .
16 would be covered for that sort of thing or
17 Claims for broken or damaged dentures would be covered under this section of the policy and also the Baggage and Personal Effects section of the policy .
18 If any surcharge or additional expense was incurred , then the amount of the surcharge/expense would be covered under this section of the policy .
19 Loss of or damage to gift or record vouchers would be covered under this section of all policies , provided this was due to an insured peril , details of which are shown in Section 2 of these instructions .
20 Thus both management and employees would be covered by some sort of bonus scheme , maybe related to different indicators of performance .
21 Only four authorities categorically stated that no course or programme would be attended by any member of staff during the year , although many respondents in this group mentioned very low numbers :
22 It is therefore highly unlikely that HIV would be transmitted in this way .
23 He also urged party members not to resign over the issue , pointing out that nothing would be gained from such action .
24 The concept obviously implied certain practical requirements : regulated markets , allocation of materials , production targets , manpower planning — all of which would be operated through some structure of planning machinery .
25 I can not understand why an organisation seeking to help hospitality women would be treated in this way .
26 I ca n't make up my mind whether he is the kind of guy that would be tempted by that sort of dead end job or not .
27 The customary draconian edict was dispatched from General de Bazelaire 's HQ ( alas , also to fall into German hands ) ; the commander at Forges had failed in his duty and would be court-martialled ; artillery and machine guns would be turned upon any unit retreating further .
28 It was accepted quite early on that a seller would be bound by any description by which he had sold specific goods ( Shepherd v Kain ( 1822 ) 5 B&A 240 ) .
29 Past champions also watched , wondering if history would be made on this day .
30 If a world chess congress were convened to reconsider the rules for future tournaments , arguments would be made in that congress that would clearly be out of order within a game of chess .
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