Example sentences of "would be [verb] into [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 A further DM20,000 million would be channelled into the fund from the federal budget .
2 The building of two council estates meant that large numbers of people would be moving into the area .
3 In a letter to the council , Stuart McHardy of the campaign wrote that stones from all over Scotland and other parts of the world would be formed into a cairn on 10 April to mark the first anniversary of the Vigil for a Scottish Parliament on Regent Road .
4 When they arrived , they would be led into a sitting room where a microphone had been set up in front of each chair , with a tape recorder in the middle of the floor .
5 Aside from those who were involved in intellectual and political movements it was an open question how far mental health experts would be received into the bosom of the target population .
6 He drove for his life , knew that Curly Top would be screaming into the radio he carried over his shoulder , screaming for his storm-troopers to find and stop the Jeep .
7 It comes in your first twenty percent , but for survey would be constituted into a survey
8 The Canadian in the next cell knew only that we would be moved into the camp itself when we had been interrogated .
9 Moreover , we look to the way in which its work would be laced into the work of local education authorities and the Schools Council , and the close collaboration with the Office of Fair Trading and the Department of Trade which it would no doubt enjoy , to make sure that consumer needs came first
10 In serious cases such as this , the structures of popular power like the village or community assembly would be turned into a forum for medical discussion — a sort of popular medical audit .
11 Is my right hon. Friend aware that if the nuclear power programme were abandoned completely , 15 million tonnes of carbon dioxide would be pumped into the atmosphere every year ?
12 In contrast to this condoned and systematic brutality , rugby 's ‘ image problem ’ , in Mr Lieberman 's analysis , stems from its association with ‘ beer parties ’ , which are frowned upon by the editor of Sports Illustrated , who is dismissive of rugby in a way which I find offensive ( I wonder if he 's aware , for instance , that the US Womens ' team recently won a world title ? ) , and attempting to placate people like him would be buying into a value system which is completely alien to the game .
13 In a good painting , an horizon line butting the vertical edges of a canvas would be lost into the atmosphere and probably turned slightly downwards at the ends .
14 The offending wife would be clamped into the chair , which was on wheels , then propelled off the quay into the estuary where — temporarily at least — she might be silenced , to the relief of the husband and the general hilarity of all save the wife herself .
15 One woman explained that before she was married , she would be sent into the capital city " to look for domestic work when the harvest had been poor or some additional expense , such as medicine or a funeral , had to be covered .
16 Council trading standards officer Eric Robinson said the council 's contract management officer and the direct services manager would be sent into the school today ‘ to address any remaining cleaning problems ’ .
17 It would be many more months till the carapace matured into full symbiotic harmony with his body — and of course his spirit must be tested and tempered in combat before sockets would be cut into the carapace , whereby he could plug himself into power armour in a full fusion of man and equipment .
18 The A5 meanwhile would be converted into a motorway through Snowdonia .
19 King Mswati III dissolved the Libandla ( Parliament ) on Oct. 9 , one month ahead of the scheduled end of its term , announcing that he would rule with " executive powers " with the help of the Cabinet , which would be converted into a council of ministers and would act as a caretaker government while a new constitution was drafted and elections were held .
20 Durance was adopting the view that if the drugs were found in his former studio his name would be dragged into a scandal .
21 The latter sum would be transferred into the customer 's name for his use .
22 Should an enemy ever bomb the High Dam , Egypt would be washed into the sea by the very waters which have created it .
23 The baby would be handed into the care of one of her " other family " , or placed in a basket or drawer to sleep .
24 This device was suspended by rope from the upper windows of the houses and as the bull charged , it would be hoisted into the air leaving ‘ Old Roger ’ to career futilely forward .
25 could include the mounting hardware fixing centres , so these would be designed into the artwork to begin with .
26 Under the scheme , only vehicles carrying invalids or supporting the emergency services would be allowed into the centre .
27 For example , it is clear from work with an English- and Punjabi-speaking family in Newcastle upon Tyne , where a young white woman carried out modified participant observation sessions over a period of several months , that no male , regardless of age or ethnicity , would be allowed into the house ( Scothern 1985 ) .
28 In this way , the bulk of the French Army would be drawn into the battle , bled white , and its spirit broken .
29 They would be drawn into the system which mulcted them and bullied them more completely than ever .
30 His clients had pressed ahead with the claim against his companies and Mr Ashton told the Manx judge , John Corrin , that the matter had been settled out of court and Raper was prepared to admit judgment for £11.7m , which would be paid into a firm of local advocates .
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