Example sentences of "would be [verb] to [art] [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 The British leaned towards a middle line whereby Japan would be tied to the West but not in such a way as to stimulate aggressive tendencies .
2 He left her with the impression that he would be proceeding to the States .
3 Sun Microsystems Inc chief Scott McNealy apparently told his stockholders meeting that Solaris would be ported to the PowerPC if IBM , Apple and Motorola come up with the volume .
4 One would be looking to the Navarrans to pay accommodation .
5 Peter Brooke , the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland , said no major changes would be made to the UDR , in spite of the demands from the Irish government for a thorough review of its role .
6 Certainly , without strong protection , the computer industry would seem a poor area in which to invest , and foreign investment and the resulting jobs created would be lost to the United Kingdom .
7 This budget was withdrawn by Waigel on Aug. 9 , however , in response to the pace of unification negotiations , and he promised that a new budget would be presented to the Bundestag soon after unification had occurred .
8 At a regular monthly meeting on April 9 at the Bank for International Settlements in Basel , EC central bank governors approved a final draft version of the statutes for the proposed Eurofed which would be presented to the EC presidency for discussion .
9 The labour cost of this work would be presented to the Camphill Building Fund as our gift/donation .
10 Here samples were made which would be sent to the London shop for testing .
11 There has been speculation that a Carrier Battle Group of the Royal Navy would be sent to the Red Sea to relieve an American unit for redeployment to the Gulf ; and that this would be based on HMS Invincible .
12 When the opening of the Sutton — Croydon section was announced , it was stated that the route would be extended to the Crystal Palace , ‘ when certain works were completed ’ .
13 It was eventually agreed that sovereignty would be transferred to a United States of Indonesia ( USI ) before 30 December 1949 .
14 After twenty years ' exposure to religious scrutiny , if deemed worthy and untarnished , this votive tablet would be transferred to the Reclusiam itself .
15 Ultimately the latter would choose a head of state and a government would be formed , which would be admitted to the UN .
16 As previously mentioned , two of the 3 heaters would be wired to the Rocon Digistat , the other to the internal thermostat .
17 As SunSoft resources are moved off the new Intel port , he said , they would be dedicated to the PowerPC .
18 So I asked him if the task force would be going to the Gulf ; how many people were involved ; and what experience they had .
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