Example sentences of "would be [verb] in [art] same " in BNC.

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1 That does n't mean that you would be engaged in the same boring work all the time .
2 Soon , the early moving-pictures would be condemned in the same terms as ‘ a direct incentive to crime , demonstrating , for instance , how a theft could be perpetrated ’ .
3 For example , In China the book received a great deal of publicity and The book received a great deal of publicity in China would be analysed in the same way .
4 She had signed a contract and besides , why should she pass up six weeks ' apprenticeship with a top-flight designer because she and Nicolo Sabatini would be living in the same city ?
5 If the nurses accepted it , their pay would be determined in the same way as the doctors ' , by an independent review body .
6 I remember a statement ( Mr. Baldwin ) had made two or three years before , that probably the time was not too far distant when he and Mr MacDonald would be sitting in the same Cabinet . "
7 Instead , it was agreed that we would begin by harmonising coding standards for personnel so that data on the major fields of interest would be coded in the same way by all personnel systems across the company .
8 In constructing the scheme we have assumed that the division of surplus-value between unproductive consumption and accumulation would be 50 per cent each ; and also that the unproductively consumed part would be divided in the same proportions as Marx used .
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