Example sentences of "would be [verb] by the end " in BNC.

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1 Both he and Delors said that they hoped that negotiations on an EC association agreement with Poland ( started in February 1991 — see p. 38115 ) would be concluded by the end of 1991 , although Delors warned against over-hasty accession to full EC membership .
2 At the Jan. 8 round table meeting Peter Koch , who was responsible for disbanding the National Security Office ( and was subsequently dismissed on Jan. 12 ) , revealed that there had been over 85,000 Stasi employees , 25,000 of whom had already been dismissed ; all weapons would be impounded by the end of January .
3 He believed some movement in the case would be made by the end of this month .
4 In an address to students at the University of Santiago on Oct. 15 , President Patricio Aylwin Azócar stated that when he assumed the presidency in March 1990 there had been a total of 380 political prisoners still detained from the 1973-1990 military regime ; all but 83 had already been released , he said , and the rest would be freed by the end of the year .
5 It was hoped that free trade in goods throughout the region would be ensured by 1995 and that the movement of capital and people would be deregulated by the end of the decade .
6 Under the UN peace plan all refugees would be repatriated by the end of 1992 .
7 The Soviet Union had announced on 19 September that the evacuation of Russian forces would be completed by the end of December 1948 .
8 In the event , the most that Wijeratne received was a " personal assurance " from Gujral that the withdrawal would be completed by the end of March .
9 The formulation of the legal foundations would be completed by the end of 1990 .
10 President Lansana Conte ( who on April 4 , 1990 , was given the rank of major-general by the CMRN ) said in his 1990 New Year address that the draft constitution being drawn up by a 50-member committee chaired by Foreign Minister Maj. Jean Traore would be submitted to the nation for discussion and amendment during 1990 ; a referendum on it would be held by the end of the year [ see also p. 37060 ] .
11 A general election would be held by the end of 1991 , or 120 days into 1992 if there was a delay in approval of the new constitution .
12 The Declaration envisaged the abolition of all tariffs within the zone , although Ecuador was to be permitted to dismantle its strongly protectionist system in two stages — 50 per cent of its tariffs would be lifted by the end of 1991 , and the remainder by June 30 , 1992 .
13 A further 300 would be privatized by the end of 1990 and 1,500 more by the end of 1991 ; many others would be wound up .
14 The privatization programme envisaged that 25 per cent of state enterprises would be sold by the end of 1992 ; about 25 categories of assets were to remain in state ownership , however , including natural resources and strategic enterprises .
15 Prime Minister Atef Sidki said on Oct. 31 that all who had lost their homes in the Cairo earthquake [ see pp. 39167-68 ] would be rehoused by the end of November .
16 Nuclear forces in Ukraine would be dismantled by the end of 1994 ( including tactical nuclear weapons by July 1992 ) .
17 Others realized that it was only a matter of patience to wait for the guaranteed escape which would be provided by the end of the war , and as the war dragged on more and more people became converted to this view .
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