Example sentences of "would be [verb] to the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 One thousand police would be posted to the suburbs that summer and 12 more " houses of justice " would be built as centres for dispute settlement and advisory services .
2 Now , the question for parishes would th they would n't be abolished , the , the question is , how much additional powers and responsibilities would be devolved to the parishes , and that 's the question .
3 Control of most branches of the economy , except for fuel , energy , metallurgy and communications , would be devolved to the republics .
4 The Whitsun visitors would follow the Easter ones ; in no time at all the hotels would be jammed to the doors .
5 Equivalent sums would be credited to the enterprises ' bank accounts , subject to verification that the money had been earned legally .
6 All these men ( and presumably others with cancers detected at subsequent screening rounds ) would be exposed to the risks of radical prostatectomy , which may cause impotency in up to 42% and urethrovesical stricture in 7% .
7 Communication would be limited to the attendees and readers of the published proceedings , posters to attendees only .
8 The number of people who have died on our streets is equivalent to a hundred thousand people dying in the streets of Britain , if that were happening , then the House of Commons would be packed to the doors everyday , until they got it sorted out .
9 And we know there are various er responses to that question , and I would be looking to the districts to say whether or not they could cope with the various levels of provision that have been identified for Greater York , and it 's the view of whether they can cope within their own districts , I have n't said how you can cope , I said whether you can cope , you might I will I will leave you free to make the odd comment , but I want to focus on that part of the issue , and then the natural corollary to that is , will it be necessary , or is it considered necessary in the context of this alteration to provide specific guidance within H One policy for the distribution of that er development to er at sub , what I would call sub-district level , in other words do you want a specific entry for say Ryedale or Hambledon ?
10 Maeve would be seeing to the barns , ensuring stock was slaughtered , the meat dried , salted and hung high in the kitchen to smoke , preserving it for the long winter months .
11 A call by the Federation of Niger Trade Unions ( USTN ) for a general strike " in defence of democracy " was widely observed on March 2 but was called off on March 3 following government pledges that no political concessions would be made to the mutineers .
12 Several bases would be closed , and units concentrated in Buenos Aires would be redeployed to the provinces .
13 Byelarus refused to sign the draft treaty , which would be presented to the CIS summit in September for signing .
14 They completed a standard application form , which included a declaration that the society would obtain a valuation of the property , a copy of which would be sent to the pursuers , and that no responsibility for the information therein would lie with either the society or the valuer .
15 Responsibility for the Sex Discrimination Act , the Equal Pay Act and the Equal Opportunities Commission would be given to the Women 's Ministry .
16 Putting to one side the other inequities associated with such a system should it be introduced , I hope due consideration would be given to the problems of the disabled .
17 Priority would be given to the needs of Ethiopian and Somali refugees .
18 If not enough for all , it would be given to the children first .
19 However , the Capital Taxes Office is likely to raise the following " standard " question : what discussions took place between the parties at or before the time of the deed of variation about how the assets which went to the spouse under the deed of variation were to be dealt with by the surviving spouse , ie was there some sort of plan or understanding that the property would be given to the children ?
20 The arrangement under which the assets would be transferred to the children by the widow after the deed of variation has to be fairly " cut and dried " before the Inland Revenue would succeed .
21 The City reported that City Council was in the process of reviewing the which included the updating of the balance of transport policy , and that this would be submitted to the Highways and Traffic Committee in the next few months .
22 If you go back seven or eight years ago er the city institutions would be saying to the companies , you know this is a er a major matter in the in the growth of the company and you need you need city representation , you need a firm of city lawyers to deal with it .
23 Contrary to declarations that there was no government policy for sterling and that it would be left to the markets to decide , by late 1981 the government intervened to reverse a fall in the exchange rate , and raised base rate to 16 per cent .
24 He imagined with pleasure the bollocking that would be administered to the men who had been on duty the previous night .
25 The scene of crime exhibits , packed and tagged , would be carried to the police car ; the razor , the crumbs of bread and cheese from the larger room , the fibres from Harry 's clothing , that single burnt matchhead .
26 Nine tenths of the work done here would be known to the scientists and engineers at Los Alamos and Chelyabinsk and Ripault and Lanzhou .
27 As The Economist went to press , it was not clear exactly what would be offered to the bondholders .
28 I felt dirtied by the corruption of pimps , yet I would soon be free of them for I had just one more job to do , and then I would be loosed to the consolations of Masquerade and to the joys of the South Pacific 's winds .
29 In the planning application the developer indicated that petrol sales would be restricted to the hours of 7 am to 11 pm .
30 But a compromise has just been worked out between the governor , the tribes and Bruce Babbitt , the ex-governor of Arizona who is now interior secretary , under which casino gambling would be restricted to the reservations , and the tribes would be given slot machines in proportion to their population .
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