Example sentences of "would be [verb] [adv prt] to the " in BNC.

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1 The additional contributions would be channelled back to the lending institutions by the Department of Social Security .
2 ‘ She asked me how I was and when I would be moving in to the cottage . ’
3 joint local authority/private sector schemes — ownership and ultimate responsibility would lie within the public sector but the day-to-day running of the service would be contracted out to the private sector through competitive tendering .
4 Tha that would mean that all pensioners who are drawing the pension from pension funds would be penalised back to the date that you 're talking about .
5 Anyhow , whatever it was , maybe a little , as Jan says , he also had a f a bad flu bug at a bad time anyhow he crashed out of the computer science course and he announced that he was only regarding the computer science course as being a stepping stone to being a teacher so the sensible thing to do would be to go on to the teacher training course at Lancashire , an education course , cos that 's what he wanted to do .
6 The only way to reverse what the hon. Gentleman alleges would be to go back to the sort of tax rates that we had under the last Labour Government — 83 and 98 per cent .
7 It drowned the roar of the waves which she knew would be crashing on to the beach in impotent and seemingly endless fury .
8 A few days after Hitler 's repetition of his ‘ prophecy ’ on 30 January 1942 , the SD reported that his words had been ‘ interpreted to mean that the Führer 's battle against the Jews would be followed through to the end with merciless consistency , and that very soon the last Jew would disappear from European soil ’ .
9 For in a few days , this same man would be reporting back to the most feared woman in Britain .
10 Yeltsin announced at the meeting in Minsk on Dec. 30 that the first channel of Central Television would be given over to the Commonwealth , the second would be Russian , the third would be Moscow Television and the fourth would be an educational channel .
11 ‘ It would lead inevitably to higher costs which would be transferred on to the customer as an increased cost of electricity , ’ he said .
12 Within days of helping me you would be transferred back to the hospital wing of Vladimir , within a few months you would be home … think on it .
13 It was agreed that this would be handed over to the Angevins when the marriage itself took place .
14 Adopted by 237 votes to 24 , the amendment to the Constitution , known as the power-sharing law , stipulated that the federal government would retain competence over foreign policy , defence and economic and fiscal strategy , while broad economic powers would be handed over to the two republics .
15 Most of the new people who 'd be coming over in the last couple of years a lot of them would n't be coming out to our concerts yet because they would probably be into a more younger scene like the Mary Blacks , maybe or the Christian Moore or somebody like that you would be catering for a younger audience and the the second third generation would be coming out to the First to the Foster and Allens and the Daniel O'Donnells and the Brendan Shines you know .
16 As I arrived a tractor pulled up with sacks of freshly-picked hops that would be carried up to the main floor of the building to be dried .
17 Twice or three times a year he would be carried out to the automobile or the dog-cart , and be driven round the home farm .
18 It was the focal point of the room , and whenever visiting dignatories and military authorities came to visit Aubagne they would be taken down to the crypt where they would stand and salute the hand .
19 She knew quite well why she would be trotting over to the new extension when summoned .
20 And any commission received from , for example , unit trust management groups , would be passed on to the client and reinvested on his or her behalf .
21 Food industry sources described the prediction as ‘ alarmist ’ and insisted only part of the increase in the farmgate prices would be passed on to the customer .
22 But to the Lamarckians it seemed much more natural to assume that the wasting away of an individual 's eyes when there was no light would be passed on to the next generation , resulting in a rapid loss of eyesight in the whole population .
23 Subsidies would also be provided for agricultural enterprises in order to limit the extent to which oil price rises would be passed on to the consumer in higher costs .
24 In this case , the amount of the default by an individual Name would be passed back to the Policyholder , ’ it says .
25 Leaders of some ECOWAS member countries were reported to have agreed privately that ECOMOG forces would be ordered on to the offensive should Taylor 's group renege on the agreement .
26 To this I would wire 2 of my 3 200 watt heaters ; the third would be wired up to the internal stat .
27 The subject will actually come into the sleep laboratory in the afternoon , would be wired up to the small box , would go home , essentially carrying just a normal briefcase , a businessman from the office or whatever .
28 The scallops would be put on to the seabed after about two years growth in special nets , and grown on for a further two years before harvesting .
29 She hoped the hectic flush would be put down to the exertion of bending nearly double .
30 ‘ I had no doubt that I would be going back to the university , ’ he says from his home in Princeton , New Jersey .
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