Example sentences of "would be [verb] [prep] [art] [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 Under new disputes procedures , ( i ) competition cases would be handled by the EC Commission and the ECJ if they involved companies from both the EC and EFTA ( and by EFTA only if they concerned only EFTA companies ) ; ( ii ) disagreements over the operation of the EEA would go to a joint EEA political committee , with either party having the right to seek binding arbitration if the issue were unresolved ; and ( iii ) the ECJ would have sole powers to rule on the interpretation of EEA laws , while EFTA courts would give their " best endeavours " to comply with such rulings .
2 The Earl announced that unless the weather deteriorated again , the Tournament would be resumed on the Friday morning and all of the participants spent Thursday drying out and preparing their costumes .
3 Land adjacent to the site would be developed as the Lancashire Enterprises Business and Technology Park .
4 Luton-based Laporte 's board said that , despite recession , its prospects were good and would be enhanced by the Evode deal .
5 In a speech at the end of March 1990 , Jardana expressed confidence that US$750,000,000 in funding support would be received from the IMF , World Bank and foreign countries during 1990 .
6 The Phnom Penh regime 's abdication of complete political control would be offset by the CGDK vacating the Cambodian seat in the General Assembly .
7 On July 23 the Foreign Ministry confirmed the terms it considered acceptable for an " allied multinational force " to be based in south-eastern Turkey : the force was to come under the joint command of Turkish and US commanders ; its ground element would be based at the US/NATO airfield at Incirlik and its air element at Silopi , with some facilities available at Batman in south-east Turkey ; any intervention against Iraq would need Turkish government approval ; and initial Turkish permission for the presence of the force would expire on Sept. 30 .
8 Assessment can not be made at birth because antibodies to HIV from the mother cross the placenta , and though these would be detected in an HIV antibody test , it would not show whether the baby itself was infected .
9 The British leaned towards a middle line whereby Japan would be tied to the West but not in such a way as to stimulate aggressive tendencies .
10 The promotion of substitute crops , whose importance had been recognized in the February 1990 Cartagena Declaration [ see pp. 37243-44 ] and other international accords , would be assisted by the US economic aid programme , worth US$150,000,000 for the 1991 fiscal year ( a 70 per cent increase ) .
11 The launch sites would be constructed by the United Kingdom , and the missile systems would be fully manned by the RAF crews .
12 Incidentally , it was he who thought that if the tsarist library actually still existed , then it would be situated beneath the Moscow Kremlin ( to this day there are legends of its sealed-off hiding-places and passages ) .
13 It would be done at the Stanford synchrotron Radiation Laboratory ( SSRL ) which is fed by electron beams from one of SLAC 's two storage rings .
14 The workers were to receive their annual bonus for 1989 and they would be reinstated in the SATS pension scheme , but they were forced to forfeit benefits for the period of the strike .
15 He left her with the impression that he would be proceeding to the States .
16 There was still a chance to earn a place on the Olympic team ; the final place would be decided at the AAA Championships at Crystal Palace .
17 The process by which two clubs would be invited to take up full membership of the Scottish League would be decided after the EGM .
18 The sources said the operation would be run from a NATO air headquarters at Vicenza , in north-eastern Italy , and would probably include fighters from the United States , Britain and France .
19 It would be transmitted on the Astra satellite used by BSkyB .
20 The Board also succeeded in 1977 in persuading Ministers that , since the deprave and corrupt test would be applied by the BBFC in assessing the suitability of films for exhibition to the public , those same films should not suffer ‘ double jeopardy ’ in the sense of being subject both to censorship through prior restraint and also to the risk of private prosecutions for obscenity .
21 Delegations from Armenia and Azerbaidjan were to take part in talks " on a permanent basis " , beginning on Oct. 1 , which would be brokered by the RSFSR and Kazakhstan .
22 Sun Microsystems Inc chief Scott McNealy apparently told his stockholders meeting that Solaris would be ported to the PowerPC if IBM , Apple and Motorola come up with the volume .
23 One would be looking to the Navarrans to pay accommodation .
24 Most would be congregated around the circum-Pacific ‘ Ring of Fire ’ .
25 MEPs are particularly concerned about EC imports and exports of waste ; they want introduction of deposits or bonding to guarantee that consignments will be properly handled , and they say that the system would be monitored by an EC inspectorate responsible to the ( much delayed ) European Environment Agency .
26 US-based banks ( in New York ) would lend more dollars externally and greater use would be made of the New York bond market .
27 ‘ The Bolsheviks were worried that a rescue attempt would be made on the Alexander Palace .
28 Peter Brooke , the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland , said no major changes would be made to the UDR , in spite of the demands from the Irish government for a thorough review of its role .
29 Delors instead proposed a " tree " with " branches " where decisions would be made through the EC institutions .
30 In this respect the operation was a failure ; Schwarzkopf made it clear that the air phase of the war would be continued until it had achieved its objectives , and that the timing and location of any land-based offensive would be in accordance with allied war plans and would be made by the US President .
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