Example sentences of "all [vb base] [prep] [art] [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The representational aspects of the five theories differ widely , but all suffer from the same problems of knowledge acquisition and inefficiency when implementations are attempted .
2 The covariant derivative can be used to describe the differential change of any local vector along a given path , because local vectors all transform in the same way .
3 If the payout ratio is constant , then earnings , dividends and the share price all grow at the same rate g , so g in ( 6.28 ) is also equal to the rate of capital gains .
4 The three papers all focus on the same abnormality : an exchange of material ( translocation ) between two chromosomes ( chromosomes 8 and 14 ) that is particularly common in a tumour known as Burkitt 's lymphoma .
5 3 Change these measurements into the units shown : unc One of the important advantages of the metric system is that measurement of length , weight , and volume , all depend upon the same principle , Once you have seen that the system is all based on tens and tenths , you should find it less difficult than other weights and measures .
6 ART TREASURE tours all begin in the same way .
7 ‘ But with Windows you could have Lotus , WordPerfect and Harvard Graphics , for instance , all open at the same time .
8 If this was so , then ‘ Yahweh ’ , ‘ God the Father ’ and ‘ Allah ’ would all refer to the same God , in the way that ‘ The President ’ , ‘ George Bush ’ and ‘ Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces ’ all refer to the same person .
9 ‘ If the companies all draw from the same research and technology base , we may inhibit technical and product innovation , just when it is most needed ’ , Albert Sobey , an industry consultant from Michigan , told the subcommittee .
10 Because these three associated religions appear to have in common the belief in one transcendent personal creator , it is often assumed that they all believe in the same God .
11 And if we all talk at the same time , he ca n't hear anything .
12 Suppose your gas , telephone and life insurance bills all arrive on the same day .
13 No , it 's got to be an alert , and if we all keep to the same story we might just get away with it .
14 It is no accident that the words ‘ health ’ , ‘ whole ’ , ‘ healing ’ and even ‘ holy ’ all derive from the same root .
15 She , they all go to the same school .
16 If everybody knows everybody else and they all go to the same parties , then there is bound to be a certain unanimity , if not in their judgements at least in their objects of attention .
17 I might add that this is not an attempt to get publicity as there are only three NME readers in this town — and we all play in the same band !
18 The T.V. contains hundreds of parts which all belong to the same set .
19 However , from the gardener 's point of view they serve another purpose too , for all thrive on the same mineral salts as green water discolouring algae and , being more advanced forms of plant life , they are able to starve the algae out and ensure crystal clear water if planted in sufficient numbers at the outset .
20 They 've all come from the same factory — a small arms factory in Belgium .
21 This example is indeed a cautionary tale , as the work of the two engravers was traditionally attributed to two different mints ( Rome and Tarraco , in Spain ) , but the discovery of numerous die links ( see below ) between each group has shown that they all come from the same mint .
22 It has been considered that the simultaneous presence of ultradian and daily rhythms suggests that they are related in some way and possibly all come from the same body clock .
23 Style is important , but in a long document it can be very time consuming to check that the headings , subheadings and body text all conform to the same pattern .
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