Example sentences of "all [verb] [adv] in [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 All wiped out in the War and he was brought up in an orphanage .
2 ‘ And we all converge down in the meadow where the skirmishing will take place .
3 and that was all welded together in the fire into a straight bar
4 We were all caught up in the shock and wondered what the significance was .
5 Yeah , well th that all petered out in the end , did n't it ?
6 There were only four women at the time but we all believed firmly in the need to organize women .
7 Friday evening was spent mastering rhythm-changes on the piano and weaving cheerfully around the furniture in an Edinburgh tenement , and on Saturday and Sunday we all camped out in a School Dance Studio for movement sessions .
8 Fred and then they all came round in the evening , and then on S Sunday , went to church and were invited out for lunch , and I went to see my mummy and daddy .
9 Gedanken thought for a minute , then said , ‘ In that case , they should all land up in the middle — of their galaxy .
10 An apple tree grew flat against the wall on one side , and in spring , when it blossomed , it was like a huge , lacy fan all spread out in a froth of flowers and leaves .
11 Well , there was the devilment of it , and the showing off and the natural generosity — all mingled together in the mischief and excitement of an act of illegality .
12 Local sales taxes , motor vehicle duties , poll taxes , taxes on industry , on commuters , or on tourists , are all used somewhere in the world — and local income taxes are common .
13 The other vineyards were all wiped out in the phylloxera epidemic of the last century and never replanted ; but lonely though it is on the local wine lists , Irouléguy will do nicely ; I have never got much beyond the stage of dividing wines into nice and nasty when it comes to describing them , so all I shall say is that Irouléguy is nice .
14 Firstly , individuals do not all occur randomly in a forest and often there is much clumping as we have already discussed .
15 She wondered why they did n't all run together in the middle .
16 After the incident , Piggott said : ‘ It nearly blew us away and we all finished up in the roof .
17 You 'll find them next year all commingling ignominiously in the bargain bins with the indie ‘ underachievers ’ , the Motorcycle Boys and Shrubs , all malingering in the same space .
18 All yelped out in a voice that would wake the dead or summon up the devil from the deepest ring of hell .
19 The Book of Earth , the cornucopia of all the tiny books that go to make up The Book of Languages and even more disconcertingly , The Book of Mirrors , are all locked up in a glass case .
20 Other members of their families were upstairs dancing , and afterwards they all walked home in a group .
21 We all set off in the car to see a lawyer .
22 Mothers , mothers-in-law , aunties , grandmothers , first and second ( and third ) cousins are all bound together in a community of common suffering and joy .
23 she said it was all packed up in a box and I said well you would n't see it then would you ?
24 when I want to buy a shirt , that men 's shirts are usually all sealed up in a package
25 Her sinuses were all gummed together in a lump between her eyes .
26 It all worked out in the end and everything went as planned .
27 For the first few months they earned only a few pennies a week between them and Sal became convinced they would all end up in the workhouse if they kept failing to cough up the rent .
28 Sun Microsystems Inc chief executive Scott McNealy arrived at the SunSoft Developers ' Conference last week all spiffed up in a dinner jacket , wing collar , jeans and sneakers ; SunSoft president Ed Zander , a man with a tailor to kill for and the wardrobe to prove it , was quick to notice that McNealy was wearing a shirt with his initials on the cuff for the first time in his life — McNealy shot back that the ‘ SM ’ stood for ‘ Stop Microsoft . ’
29 Sun Microsystems Inc CEO Scott McNealy arrived at the SunSoft Developers ' Conference last week all spiffed up in a dinner jacket , wing collar , jeans and sneakers .
30 ‘ So we all go up in the lift , and the two bucks as good as carry the mother 's boy into the room ; he 's almost completely gone , and they sit him on the bed and they pour some of the champagne down him and then they come out .
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